N.H. Admin. Code § Cor 306.01 - Contraband
(a) Items
identified as contraband shall fall into 2 general categories:
(1) Items not allowed anywhere on
departmental property; and
Items not allowed inside departmental facilities that must be secured either in
a visitor's vehicle or within a locker available in a visitor reception
(b) Contraband
items not allowed anywhere on departmental property shall consist of the
(1) Any substance or item whose
possession is unlawful for the person or the general public possessing
(2) Any explosive device, bomb,
grenade, dynamite or dynamite cap, or detonating device including primers,
primer cord, explosive powder, or similar items, or simulations of these items;
(3) Lock-picking kits or tools
or instructions on picking locks, making keys, or making surreptitious entry or
(c) Neither
visitors from the general public nor department employees shall be permitted to
have in their possession items not allowed anywhere on departmental
(d) Contraband not
allowed inside departmental facilities shall include the following:
(1) Any firearm, simulated firearm, or device
designed to propel or guide a projectile against a person, animal, or
(2) Any bullets,
cartridges, projectiles, or similar items designed to be projected against a
person, animal, or target;
(3) Any
drug item, whether medically prescribed or not, in excess of a one-day supply
or in such quantities that a person would suffer intoxication or illness if the
entire available quantity were consumed alone or in combination with other
available substances;
(4) Any
intoxicating beverages;
(5) Knives
and knife-like weapons;
(6) Clubs
and club-like weapons;
(7) Maps of
the prison vicinity or sketches or drawings or pictorial representations of the
facilities, its grounds, or its vicinity;
(8) Sums of money or negotiable instruments
in excess of $100;
(9) Pornography
or pictures of visitors or prospective visitors undressed;
(10) Radios capable of monitoring or
transmitting on the police band in the possession of other than law enforcement
(11) Identification
documents, licenses, and credentials not in the possession of the person to
whom properly issued;
(12) Ropes,
saws, grappling hooks, fishing line, masks, artificial beards or mustaches,
cutting wheels, or string, rope, or line impregnated with cutting material, or
similar items to facilitate escapes;
(13) Balloons, condoms, false-bottomed
containers, or other containers which could be used to facilitate transfer of
(14) Tobacco products,
except those secured in a visitor's locked vehicle; and
(15) Cellphones not issued by or approved in
writing by the department.
(e) Contractors and vendors that can
demonstrate a need shall obtain approval to bring cellphones into a facility by
petitioning the warden and receiving such permission in writing.
(f) Departmental-issued cellphones shall be
those cell phones issued through the department's division of
(See Revision Note at chapter heading for Cor 300) #7448, eff 2-6-01; ss by #9383, INTERIM, eff 2-3-09, EXPIRES: 8-3-09; ss by #9508, eff 7-8-09
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.