N.H. Admin. Code Elec, ch. Elec 200 - RULES OF PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE
Pursuant to 2005, 122:1 and 122:2 and 2005, 177:105 and 177:106, effective 7-1-05, the Electricians' Board (Board) was transferred to the Bureau of Electrical Safety and Licensing in the Division of Fire Safety of the Department of Safety.
The Board's rules in Chapter Elec 200 titled "Practice and Procedure", as filed under Document #7231 and effective 5-1-00, expired 5-1-08. The Department of Safety then filed Document #9631, effective 12-30-09. Document #9631 reserved Chapter Saf-C 9100 and, among other rules, adopted a new Chapter Saf-C 9200 titled "Board of Electricians' Practice and Procedural Rules."
The rules in Document #9631 for Saf-C 9200 replaced all prior filings for rules in the former Elec 200. The prior filings of the Board affecting the former Elec 200 included the following documents:
#1984, effective 3-22-82
#2695, effective 4-24-84
#4764, effective 2-20-90, EXPIRED 2-20-96
#6139, effective 7-1-96
#7231, effective 5-1-00, EXPIRED 5-1-08
Pursuant to 2012, 237:1-3, 5, and 7, and 2013:57:4, effective 6-4-13, the Board was transferred from the Department of Safety, with rulemaking authority under RSA 319:C:6-a, and placed under the administration of the Joint Board for Licensure and Certification.
Since no existing rules of the Department of Safety were transferred to the Board by 2012, 237:1-3, 5, and 7, and 2013:57:4, the Board adopted and filed Document #10355, effective 6-6-13, as an interim rule, containing Chapter Elec 200 titled "Practice and Procedure." The rules in Document #10355 replaced all prior filings for rules in the former Saf-C 9200 which, in this case, included only Document #9631, effective 12-30-09.
The Joint Board of Licensure and Certification was renamed the Office of Professional Licensure and Certification pursuant to 2015, 276:45, effective 7-1-15, which now administers the Electricians' Board pursuant to 2015, 276:57.
After adopting and filing Document #10355, effective 6-6-13, as an interim rule the Electricians' Board readopted Chapter Elec 200 with amendments in Document #10419, effective 9-25-13. Document #10419 replaced all the rules in the former Chapter Elec 200 in Document #10355. The rules in Document #10419 were not subject to expiration except pursuant to RSA 541-A:17, II.
The Board subsequently readopted with amendments Elec 203.03 titled "Waivers" in Document #12202, effective 6-7-17. Elec 202.03 was also not subject to expiration except pursuant to RSA 541-A:17, II.
The Department of Safety subsequently repealed Saf-C 9200 by adopting and filing Document #12380, effective 9-15-17.
In Document #13740, effective 9-13-23, the Electricians' Board repealed Part Elec 201 through Part Elec 215 in Chapter Elec 200, titled "Practice and Procedure", and renamed the chapter as "Rules of Practice and Procedure". Document #13740 also adopted a new Part Elec 201 titled "Applicability and Waiver of Substantive Rules", containing Elec 201.01 titled "Rules of Practice and Procedure" and Elec 201.02 titled "Waiver of Administrative Rules."
Document #13740 replaced the prior filings in Document #10419 and Document #12202 affecting the rules in the former Chapter Elec 200.
As practice and procedure rules, the rules in Document #13740 will not expire except pursuant to RSA 541-A:17, II.
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.