N.H. Admin. Code Fam, ch. Fam 300 - CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS

  1. Part Fam 301 - DEFINITIONS (§ Fam 301.01 to Fam 301.16)
  2. Part Fam 302 - APPLICATION PROCEDURE (§ Fam 302.01 to Fam 302.05)
  3. Part Fam 303 - ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS FOR CERTIFICATION (§ Fam 303.01 to Fam 303.09)
  4. Part Fam 304 - FEES (§ Fam 304.01)


N.H. Admin. Code Fam, ch. Fam 300


Document #9674, effective 4-2-10, readopted with amendments and redesignated the former Part Mar 301 through Part Mar 303 as Part Fam 301 though Part Fam 303. Former Mar 301.01 defining "active in the practice of medicine" was deleted, a new Fam 301.08 defining "internship supervisor" was adopted, and a new Fam 302.05 on letters of recommendation was also adopted.

Document #9671, effective 4-2-10, readopted with amendments the former Part Mar 304 as Part Fam 304.

The redesignation from title Mar to Fam was done due to the renaming of the Board of Marital Mediator Certification as the Board of Family Mediator Certification pursuant to 2009, 21:4, effective 1-1-10. Documents # 9674 and #9671 replace all prior filings for rules formerly in Chapter Mar 300.

For the rules in Documents #9674 which were renumbered from former rules in Chapter Mar 300, the source note cites the former title and rule number after the effective date of the Document. Where the numerals of the rules remained unchanged, the source note information for the rules under Document #9674 refer to those same numbers under the title Mar.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.