N.H. Admin. Code Pari, ch. Pari 1200 - GAMES OF CHANCE

  1. Part Pari 1201 - PURPOSE AND SCOPE (§ Pari 1201.01 to Pari 1201.02)
  2. Part Pari 1202 - DEFINITIONS (§ Pari 1202.01 to Pari 1202.11)
  3. Part Pari 1203 - LICENSING REQUIREMENTS (§ Pari 1203.01 to Pari 1203.08)
  4. Part Pari 1204 - BACKGROUND INVESTIGATIONS AND CRIMINAL RECORDS CHECKS (§ Pari 1204.01 to Pari 1204.02)
  5. Part Pari 1205 - APPROVAL OF AN APPLICATION FOR LICENSURE (§ Pari 1205.01 to Pari 1205.03)
  6. Part Pari 1206 - REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION (§ Pari 1206.01 to Pari 1206.08)
  7. Part Pari 1207 - OPERATION OF GAMES OF CHANCE (§ Pari 1207.01 to Pari 1207.05)
  8. Part Pari 1208 - RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING (§ Pari 1208.01 to Pari 1208.02)
  9. Part Pari 1209 - STATE REVENUE PAYMENTS (§ Pari 1209.01)
  10. Part Pari 1210 - PENALTIES (§ Pari 1210.01 to Pari 1210.09)
  11. Part Pari 1211 - WAIVER OF RULES (§ Pari 1211.01)
  12. Appendix A - , version 3
  13. Appendix B - , version 3
  14. Appendix C


N.H. Admin. Code Pari, ch. Pari 1200

Statutory Authority: RSA 284:12, X; RSA 287-D:1-b


Document #9281, effective 9-24-08, was an interim rule that made many changes to Pari 1200 in order to implement Chapters 285, 291, and 371 of the Laws of 2008. Document #9281 adopted some new rules and amended some existing rules. Specifically, Document #9281 readopted with amendments and renumbered Pari 1202.03 as Pari 1202.07, and readopted with amendments Pari 1212.01, Pari 1212.02, and Pari 1214.01 through Pari 1214.04. Document #9281 also renumbered, but did not readopt at that time, other existing rules in Pari 1200, which retained the effective dates from the prior documents affecting those rules.

New rules adopted by Document #9281 included:

Pari 1202.01 Pari 1202.12
Pari 1202.04 Pari 1215.08
Pari 1202.05 Pari 1217
Pari 1202.06 Pari 1218
Pari 1202.10

Existing rules amended, but not readopted or renumbered, by Document #9281 include:

Pari 1201.02 Pari 1210.01
Pari 1205.01 Pari 1211.01
Pari 1205.02 Pari 1213.01
Pari 1205.03 Pari 1216.01
Pari 1207.01 Pari 1216.02
Pari 1207.02

Existing rules renumbered by, but not contained in, Document #9281 include:

Former Number New Number
Pari 1202.01 Pari 1202.02
Pari 1202.02 Pari 1202.03
Pari 1202.04 Pari 1202.08
Pari 1202.05 Pari 1202.09
Pari 1202.06 Pari 1202.11


Pursuant to 2008, 25:1, effective 7-11-08, the Pari-Mutuel Commission was renamed the Racing and Charitable Gaming Commission.

Document #10929, effective 9-10-15 readopted with amendments Pari 1200 and made many changes to the wording, format, and numbering of the rules in Chapter Pari 1200 formerly adopted by the Pari-Mutuel Commission. Document #10929 replaces all prior filings affecting Pari 1200. The filings of the Pari-Mutuel Commission and the Racing and Charitable Gaming Commission affecting the former Pari 1200 include the following documents:

#8691, INTERIM, eff 7-25-06

#8804, eff 1-20-07

#8921, eff 6-27-07

#9281, INTERIM, eff 9-24-08

#9413, eff 3-12-09

#9882, eff 3-3-11

#10575, eff 4-18-14

#10792, INTERIM, eff 2-26-15, EXPIRED 8-25-15

Prior to the filing of rules in Document #10792, effective 2-26-15, many rules in Pari 1200 had expired 1-20-15 because they had not been affected by filings after Document #8804, effective 1-20-07. The rules in Pari 1200 filed in Document #10792, effective 2-26-15, had expired as interim rules on 8-25-15 until Pari 1200 was readopted with amendments in its entirety by Document #10929, effective 9-10-15.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.