N.J. Admin. Code § 10:69-3.31 - Legally responsible relatives (LRRs)

(a) Certain relatives are legally considered responsible to provide support if financially able and may be a source of income for an AFDC-related Medicaid applicant or beneficiary. The CWA shall determine the capacity of LRRs to contribute to the support of AFDC-related Medicaid applicants and beneficiaries.
(b) The CWA director is authorized under specified circumstances to apply to the appropriate court for a support order. In cases where a court order appears to be the only means of insuring consistent and actual support, the applicant/beneficiary may elect to receive from the CWA the grant for which he or she is eligible and request the CWA to collect the support payments (see N.J.A.C. 10:69-3.36) . The applicant shall be fully informed of these provisions and their impact:
1. The following chart identifies relatives who are recognized as legally responsible under AFDC-related Medicaid:

AFDC-related Medicaid
Legally Responsible Relative Program
Spouse X
Child under age 55 X
Parent of a child under 18 or of a X
child over age 18 who is not an
AFDC-related Medicaid parent or
(c) All legally responsible relatives shall be contacted in completing the investigation:
1. Regardless of where the relative lives, it is the responsibility of the eligibility worker to obtain the necessary information by the most direct and practical method.
i. The legally responsible relative shall be the primary source of the information required to evaluate his or her capacity to support.
ii. When the evidence submitted by the relative is inadequate or shows a discrepancy, or he or she is unable to submit evidence, he or she shall understand that it shall be necessary for the agency to obtain verification directly from his or her employer, bank and so forth.
(d) Legally responsible relatives shall be reevaluated at least once every 12 months. See 10:69-5.3 regarding reevaluation and situations in which contact need not be made.
(e) Priorities of obligations to support legally responsible relative are:
1. A person's obligation to support those relatives for whom he or she is legally responsible takes precedence over voluntarily assumed obligations.
2. Responsibility of a person for the support of his or her own minor children takes priority over any obligations for other relatives.
(f) The eligible unit shall not be eligible for AFDC-related Medicaid when the amount of the legally responsible relative's evaluated capacity to support equals or exceeds his or her adjusted allowance and this support is actually provided to the eligible unit.
1. The LRR's contribution shall be considered available only when there is affirmative and persuasive evidence that such amount or its equivalent in goods or services is in fact provided to members of the eligible unit. (For details see 10:69-3.7.)
2. When any LRR fails or refuses to provide any portion of his or her contribution the agency shall, within 30 days, take appropriate action in accordance with available procedures to compel contribution in the amount of the adjusted allowance or the evaluated capacity to support, whichever is less.
3. Whenever the LRR fails or refuses to furnish information concerning his or her ability to support members of the eligible unit, it shall be deemed a failure or refusal to provide support as required by law.
i. In such cases the agency shall take appropriate action within 30 days, in accordance with available procedure to secure judicial determination of the LRR's ability to support the eligible unit member(s). Until such determination is made, each LRR shall be considered a potential resource.
4. For a LRR in the home of the eligible unit, see N.J.A.C. 10:69-3.10.
(g) When it has been determined by judicial process that a child of an applicant for or beneficiary of AFDC-related Medicaid has been abandoned, deserted or not supported by the applicant or beneficiary during his or her minority, such person is legally excused and relieved of obligation and shall not be considered a legally responsible relative.
(h) When an individual (under the age of 19) who is himself or herself a parent lives in the same home as his or her own parent(s) or legal guardian(s), and the adolescent parent applies for AFDC-C or -F, the income of such parent(s) or legal guardian(s) shall be considered available to the eligible unit in accordance with the deeming provisions of N.J.A.C. 10:69-10.44.


N.J. Admin. Code § 10:69-3.31
Amended by 49 N.J.R. 3729(a), effective 12/4/2017

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.