N.J. Admin. Code § 13:54-1.4 - Applications for a State of New Jersey firearms purchaser identification card and for a permit to purchase a handgun and form of register
(a) Every person
applying for a State of New Jersey firearms purchaser identification card or for a
permit to purchase a handgun form of register shall furnish such information and
particulars as are set forth in the application form designated S.T.S. 033. Forms
can be obtained from municipal police departments, State Police stations, and
licensed retail firearms dealers.
The applicant shall waive any statutory or other right of confidentiality relating
to institutional confinement.
(c) The
applicant shall provide the names and addresses of two reputable citizens personally
acquainted with him as references.
The application shall be signed by the applicant and the completed application,
together with two sets of the applicant's fingerprints and fees as established by
N.J.A.C. 13:59 in accordance with 53:1-20.5
et seq., a consent
for mental health records search form designated S.P. 66, and a nonrefundable
application fee of $ 5.00 for a State of New Jersey firearms purchaser
identification card and $ 2.00 for a permit to purchase a handgun and form of
register, shall be submitted to the chief of police of an organized full-time police
department in the municipality in which the applicant resides. If the municipality
does not have an organized full-time police department, application shall be made to
the State Police station servicing the municipality in which the applicant resides,
or to any State Police station in the case of a non-resident.
(e) The chief of police of an organized full-time
police department of the municipality where the applicant resides, or the
Superintendent, when the applicant is a non-resident of this State or when the
municipality does not have a full-time department, shall accept and investigate
applications for State of New Jersey firearms purchaser identification cards and
permits to purchase handguns and form of register.
(f) The fingerprints of any applicant shall be
compared with any fingerprints maintained by the State Bureau of Identification and
the Federal Bureau of Investigation for the purpose of ascertaining the existence of
any criminal record. The fingerprints shall be obtained and submitted for such
comparison by the chief of police or the State Police, as the case may be.
(g) An applicant for a handgun purchase permit who
possesses a valid firearms purchaser identification card, or who has previously
obtained a handgun purchase permit from the same licensing authority for which he or
she was previously fingerprinted, and who provides an additional valid
identification document of his or her identity, need not be fingerprinted again. In
such cases, the chief of police or Superintendent shall otherwise fully investigate
the applicant in accordance with this subchapter. The chief of police or
Superintendent shall require the applicant to complete the New Jersey State Police,
State Bureau of Identification (SBI) "Request For Criminal History Record
Information For Non Criminal Justice Purpose" form, via the State of New Jersey
website, and pay the appropriate fee established by N.J.A.C. 13:59.
Applicants unable to provide an additional valid identification document shall
submit to fingerprinting.
(h) Applicants
for a permit to purchase a handgun may apply for more than one permit per
application. The number of permits requested, and each permit number shall be
entered in the spaces provided on the application.
(i) The chief of police or the Superintendent, as
the case may be, shall either approve or disapprove the applications. Permits and
cards shall be issued by the chief of police or the Superintendent to persons who
are found to be qualified and who are not subject to any of the disabilities set
forth by this subchapter.
(j) An
application for a firearms purchaser identification card or for a permit to purchase
a handgun shall be prioritized and be investigated on an expedited basis and
approved or disapproved without undue delay, within 14 days if possible, when an
applicant who has not been issued a current firearm purchaser identification card
and does not currently possess a handgun identifies specific threats or previous
attacks that demonstrate a special danger to the applicant's life that cannot be
avoided by means other than by issuance of a firearms identification card and/or a
permit to purchase a handgun.
1. The specific
conditions cited by the applicant may include, but need not be limited to, the
following circumstances:
i. The applicant has been
the victim of an act of violence that resulted in the infliction of serious or
significant bodily injury, or was credibly threatened with an act of violence that
if carried out would result in the infliction of serious or significant bodily
injury, or subjected to an incident in which the actor was armed with and used a
deadly weapon or threatened by word or gesture to use a deadly weapon as defined in
2C:11-1.c against the applicant, and
there is a substantial likelihood, based on the information presented in the
applicant's State of New Jersey Request for Expedited Firearms Application form
(S.P. 398) and any other information revealed in the investigation of the
application, that the applicant will in the foreseeable future be subjected to
another such incident; or
ii. The
applicant is protected by a court order or under a condition imposed by the court
restraining another person from contact with the applicant, and there is a
substantial likelihood, based on the information presented in the applicant's State
of New Jersey Request for Expedited Firearms Application form (S.P. 398) and any
other information revealed in the investigation of the application, that the
applicant will in the foreseeable future be subjected to an act of violence that if
carried out would result in the infliction of serious or significant bodily injury,
or be subjected to an incident in which the actor is armed with and would use a
deadly weapon or threaten by word or gesture to use a deadly weapon as defined in
2C:11-1.c against the
2. Applicants who
are seeking the expedited application process shall furnish such information set
forth in the Request for Expedited Firearms Application form designated S.P. 398.
Forms can be obtained from municipal police departments and State Police stations
and shall be approved or disapproved by the chief of police or the
3. The required form
(S.P. 398) must be accompanied by the initial State of New Jersey Application for
Firearms Purchaser Identification Card and/or initial Permit to Purchase a Handgun
and Form of Register.
4. Approval of an
expedited firearms application request does not automatically denote approval for
the firearms purchaser identification card and/or permit to purchase a handgun and
form of register. All applicants are subject to the provisions set forth in this
chapter for final approval and issuance of cards and permits.
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.