N.J. Admin. Code § 2:50-3.2 - Milk weighing, measuring, and sampling procedures

(a) Weighing, measuring, and sampling milk should be performed pursuant to the procedures as set forth in the current "Standard Methods for Examination of Dairy Products," published by the American Public Health Association, Inc., and, at a minimum, shall include the following:
1. Before starting the agitator, carefully insert a clean, dry measuring stick, seating fully; withdraw and read to the nearest 1/32 inch. Record the measurement, weight, temperature, time of pickup, date, and producer's name, and number. One copy of the weight ticket shall be left with the producer;
2. Agitate for not less than five minutes and longer, if necessary, to disperse the butterfat uniformly throughout the tank.
i. The person holding the weigher and sampler certificate issued by the Division of Marketing and Development shall be responsible for ascertaining that the milk is agitated for not less than five minutes and should periodically check the tank timer to determine whether it may be used as a guide; and
ii. It is suggested that each truck carry a timing device that may be used for timing the agitation; and
3. After milk has been agitated for at least five minutes with agitator running and before the outlet is open, take a universal sample. The sample shall be taken with a properly cleaned and sanitized stainless-steel dipper that is first dipped two or three times into the milk. This sample shall be at least one ounce (30 cubic centimeters). If composite samples are taken, on every day pickup, a 10 cubic centimeter dipper of milk shall be added to the composite daily. On every other day pickup, a 20 cubic centimeter sample shall be added to the composite at each pickup.
(b) When taking bacteria samples, special care shall be taken to prevent contamination of sample containers and/or equipment. The sampler's clothes and hands must be clean and dry when sampling. Sterile sample containers and sampling equipment shall be kept protected at all times and properly identified. After milk has been agitated for taking butterfat samples, remove at least a 10 cubic centimeter portion with a properly sterilized device into the sterile sample container. This container shall be immediately placed in an insulated, properly iced, or refrigerated case ensuring that the water level is no higher than the milk in the sample container.


N.J. Admin. Code § 2:50-3.2
Adopted by 54 N.J.R. 1704(a), effective 9/6/2022

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

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