(a) The Standard Practice for Aerial
Adventure Courses, designated by the American Society for Testing Materials
(ASTM) as F 2959-16, is adopted herein by reference, as amended, and made part
of this subchapter and shall be enforced as part of this subchapter.
(b) Notwithstanding any provisions stated in
the standard, where specific provisions of the standard conflict with the
provisions expressly set forth in this subchapter, the provisions set forth in
this subchapter shall govern.
The following sections of the standard are modified as follows:
1. Section 1, entitled Scope shall be amended
as follows:
i. In Section 1.1, "which
occur(s) after the effective date of publication of this document except as
noted in 1.3" shall be deleted.
Section 1.2.6 shall be deleted in its entirety.
iii. Section 1.3 shall be deleted in its
2. Section 2,
entitled Referenced Documents, shall be amended as follows:
i. In Section 2.1, the following amendments
shall be made:
"F 747" shall be deleted and "F 747-15" inserted in its
"F 770" shall be deleted and "F 770-15" shall be inserted in
its place.
"F 846 Guide for Testing Performance of Amusement Rides and
Devices" shall be deleted.
"F 1193" shall be deleted and "F 1193-16" shall be inserted
in its place.
"F 1487 Consumer Safety Performance Specifications for
Playground Equipment for Public Use" shall be deleted.
"F 1772" shall be deleted and "F 1772-99" shall be inserted
in its place.
"F 1957" shall be deleted and "F 1957-99" shall be inserted
in its place.
"F 2137" shall be deleted and "F 2137-15a" shall be inserted
in its place.
"F 2291" shall be deleted and "F 2291-14" shall be inserted
in its place.
"F 2375" shall be deleted and "F 2375-09" shall be inserted
in its place.
"F 2974" shall be deleted and "F 2974-15" shall be inserted
in its place.
ii. In
Section 2.2, "ANSI B77" shall be deleted and "ANSI B77.1-2011" shall be
inserted in its place.
iii. In
Section 2.3, "EN12277" shall be deleted and "EN12277-2015" shall be inserted in
its place.
iv. In Section 2.5,
"UIAA 105" shall be deleted and "UIAA 105-2004" shall be inserted in its
3. Section 5,
entitled "Ownership, Operation, Maintenance, Inspection, and Training
Requirements," shall be amended as follows:
i. Section 5.9, entitled "Patron
Responsibility" shall be deleted in its entirety.
ii. Section 5.10 entitled "Classification of
Injuries and Illnesses," shall be deleted in its entirety.
iii. Section 5.11 entitled "Transfer of
Ownership," shall be deleted in its entirety.
4. Section 6, entitled "Testing and
Performance," shall be deleted in its entirety.
5. Section 7, entitled "Auditing," shall be
deleted in its entirety.
6. Section
11, entitled "Design Requirements," shall be amended as follows:
i. In Section, in the second line,
"designer/engineer's" shall be deleted and "licensed professional engineer"
shall be inserted.
ii. In Section, in the second line, "qualified person" shall be deleted and
"licensed professional engineer" shall be inserted.
iii. Add new Section as follows:
"Practice F 2291, add new Subsection 13.8 as follows '13.8 Patron Safety
Restraint. 13.8.1 Once connected to the patron safety restraint system, all
patrons of the Aerial Adventure Course shall remain in constant connection with
the safety restraint system until arrival at the loading/unloading area.'
(d) The
ASTM standard F 2959-16 may be obtained from:
American Society for Testing Materials
100 Barr Harbor Drive
West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959