N.J. Admin. Code § 7:7A-4.2 - General provisions
(a) A letter of interpretation (LOI) provides
the Department's official determination of one or more of the following:
1. Whether there are any freshwater wetlands,
transition areas, and/or State open waters present on a site or portion of a
2. Where the boundaries of
freshwater wetlands, transition areas and/or State open waters are located on a
site; and/or
3. What resource value
classification under N.J.A.C. 7:7A-3.2
applies to the freshwater wetlands on a site.
(b) A letter of interpretation does not grant
approval to conduct any regulated activities. The sole function of a letter of
interpretation is to provide or confirm information about the presence or
absence, boundaries, and/or resource value classification of freshwater
wetlands, transition areas, and/or State open waters.
1. For planning approvals, for demonstrating
compliance with ordinances, or for other purposes, a municipality or county may
require an applicant to obtain an LOI as a condition of application
completeness or as a condition of approval.
(c) The Department issues the following three
types of LOIs:
1. A presence/absence LOI, in
which the Department determines whether any freshwater wetlands, transition
areas, and/or State open waters exist on a site or on a portion of a site (also
called a footprint of disturbance LOI). See N.J.A.C.
for further details
regarding presence/absence LOIs;
A line delineation LOI, in which the Department delineates the boundary lines
of freshwater wetlands, transition areas, and/or State open waters for an
applicant. See N.J.A.C. 7:7A-4.4
for further details regarding line delineation LOIs; and
3. A line verification LOI, in which the
Department confirms or modifies a delineation proposed by the applicant. See
N.J.A.C. 7:7A-4.5
further details regarding line verification LOIs.
(d) If an area with hydric soils has been
drained for farming or other purposes through the use of drainage structures or
features, such as tiles or ditches, the Department shall, in the absence of
compelling scientific information that wetland hydrology has been effectively
removed by factors other than the drainage structures, presume that the area
maintains wetlands hydrology for the purpose of identifying a freshwater
wetland under N.J.A.C. 7:7A-3.1
. To rebut this presumption of wetlands hydrology, all drainage
structures shall be removed or completely disabled and the area shall be left
undisturbed for at least one normal rainfall year, after which the presence or
absence of wetlands hydrology shall be determined through use of technical
criteria, field indicators, and other information, in accordance with the 1989
Federal Manual.
(e) Each LOI that
indicates the presence of freshwater wetlands shall state the resource value
classification of the wetlands under N.J.A.C.
and will specify the width
of the transition area. However, in some cases, seasonal conditions make it
difficult to determine the resource value classification of a wetland. For
example, if there has been a past sighting of a bog turtle (an endangered
species) in the area, and an LOI application is submitted in December when the
early successional habitat needed by bog turtles may be impossible to identify
under snow cover, Department staff cannot determine if the habitat remains
suitable for bog turtles until the snow melts. In such a case, the Department
shall notify the applicant that seasonal conditions do not permit an accurate
assessment of resource value, shall provide an explanation of the seasonal
conditions involved, and shall give the applicant the option to accept an
exceptional resource value classification, or to wait for the LOI until the
Department can determine the resource value classification of the
(f) The Department shall
issue an LOI for a portion of a site, also called a footprint of disturbance,
under N.J.A.C.
2 or
4.5(b)3. Special application requirements shall apply to such an LOI, in order
to ensure that the portion of the site is clearly marked on the plan and on the
ground. These requirements are described at N.J.A.C.
4i and
(g) The Department shall not
issue an LOI if the Department determines that the information submitted in the
application for the LOI is inaccurate. In such a case, the applicant may
provide corrected information upon the Department's request, or may apply
directly for a permit without obtaining an LOI. If the applicant applies for
the permit without first obtaining an LOI, the permit application must include
all information that would be necessary for the Department to issue an LOI for
the site, in accordance with N.J.A.C.
16.9(b)1, or 16.10(b)1, as applicable. The Department will then review the
submitted wetland delineation as part of the permit review process.
(h) Except for a presence/absence LOI for an
entire site under N.J.A.C.
7:7A-4.3(c)1, all
LOI applicants shall provide the Department with a survey in accordance with
7:7A-16.3(a)4. If
the Department requires adjustments to the delineated wetlands and/or State
open waters boundary after the survey is submitted, the applicant shall
resurvey the delineated boundary after the adjustments are made and the
Department has approved the boundary. The issued LOI will reference the
approved and surveyed boundary line.
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.