A. Hearing officer. The board shall appoint a hearing officer for an appeal within 7 days after mailing the notice of setting. The board shall provide appropriate clerical support and space for any hearings conducted. Venue for any hearings shall be Santa Fe county unless the hearing officer in view of convenience to parties and witnesses orders that another location is more appropriate. The hearing officer shall oversee all proceedings after the hearing is set. The hearing officer will also provide written findings of fact and a disposition recommendation to the board within 14 days after completion of a hearing. The board shall make a final decision, after review of the recommendations of the hearing officer, and mail a notice of final decision to appellant within 30 days of receipt of the hearing officer's recommendations.
B. Representation of parties:
(1) The authority shall be represented in proceedings under this rule by its general counsel or a staff member of the authority appointed by the executive director for this purpose.
(2) The appellant may appear pro se, if appellant is an individual, or by an administrator of an institutional appellant who has been appointed for that purpose by the governing body of the institution. Any appellant may be represented by legal counsel licensed to practice law in the state of New Mexico.
C. Production of authority documents:
(1) Should a hearing be set by the board, the authority shall make available for copying and inspection all documents that the authority determines to be relevant to the initial determination being appealed within seven days of the date the hearing setting is issued. "Relevance," in this context is to be construed liberally in favor of production.
(2) Documents may be withheld or redacted by the authority only when the relevant material is protected from disclosure or otherwise privileged under New Mexico law. In the interest of complete disclosure, redaction shall be favored over withholding the document.
(3) Should any documents be withheld pursuant to New Mexico law, a list or privilege log generally identifying each document, its contents and the claimed privilege shall be provided to the appellant at the time of production.
(4) Documents produced shall be made available for inspection and copying at the offices of the authority.
D. Production of appellant or other party documents: The hearing officer for good cause shown may order inspection, production and copying of documents deemed relevant that are in the possession, custody or control of the appellant member, employee or other party.
E. Authority, appellant, member and employee arguments: At least 14 days before the date set for the hearing, all parties shall file simultaneously memorandums stating their complete arguments for or against the authority determination, including a statement of relevant facts, an outline of controlling law and the relief requested. Each party must mail or deliver the original memorandum and one copy to the hearing officer and one copy to the representative of each other party.
F. Witness and exhibit lists: Each party must file witness and exhibit lists at least 14 days before the date set for the hearing by mailing or delivering the original to the hearing officer and one copy to the representative of each other party. Witnesses must be identified with particularity. The party calling a witness must provide the witness's name and address and must describe the subject matter of the testimony expected to be elicited from each witness. Each document or object identified in the exhibit list must be immediately made available for inspection and copying. Only witnesses properly identified in the witness list will be permitted to testify in the hearing and only exhibits properly identified in the exhibit list will be admissible in the hearing unless upon good cause being shown the hearing officer determines otherwise.


N.M. Admin. Code § NMAC - N, 6/29/2000 Adopted, New Mexico Register, Volume XXV, Issue 16, August 29, 2014, eff. 9/1/2014

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.