N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. Tit. 11 § 220.1 - Purpose
(a) Chapter 259 of
the Laws of 1998, entitled the "Holocaust Victims Insurance Act of 1998," added
article 27 to the New York Insurance Law. The act provides for insurance claims
assistance to be provided to Holocaust victims (defined in section 2701[a] of
the Insurance Law as "any person, claimant, or the estate, heir, legatee,
descendent, survivor, beneficiary, or other such successor-in-interest of such
person") who lost their lives or property as a result of discriminatory laws,
policies or actions during the period between January 1, 1929 and December 31,
1945, in areas under Nazi influence. Chapter 259, which was signed into law on
July 8, 1998, became effective immediately. The affected insurance policies
include, but are not limited to, any form of life, accident and health,
annuities, property, casualty, education or dowry insurance (as provided in
section 2701[c]).
(b) While the act
establishes a framework by which New York State can assist in the resolution of
Holocaust victim claims, it is important to acknowledge the global context of
this issue, involving, as it does, Holocaust victims and their heirs, insurers
and regulators in several different countries and jurisdictions. New York State
has been involved in efforts to address this issue in a comprehensive fashion
through the creation of an international body that will be empowered to
evaluate and resolve outstanding claims.
(c) On April 8, 1998, a Memorandum of Intent
was executed by the Superintendent of Insurance ("superintendent"), other
insurance regulators in the United States, and representatives of worldwide
Jewish organizations and insurance companies. The Memorandum of Intent
contemplates the establishment of an international commission, which will be
empowered to evaluate and resolve outstanding claims, with its members drawn
from United States insurance regulators, European insurance companies and
regulators, and non-governmental Jewish and Holocaust survivor organizations.
Thereafter, a Memorandum of Understanding was executed which further describes
the structure and processes that the international commission will use. Chapter
259 encourages insurers to participate in the actions of the proposed
international commission to resolve outstanding Holocaust victim claims in an
expeditious and equitable fashion.
(d) The purpose of this Part is to provide
for the implementation of the provisions of article 27, and to facilitate,
monitor and verify compliance with the act by insurers and claimants
(e) Section
2703 of the
Insurance Law requires insurers who are organized, registered, licensed or
accredited to do an insurance business in New York State to implement certain
standards and procedures in the handling of Holocaust victim claims, including
standards and procedures to be specified by regulation. The claims handling
directive contained in section 2703 covers all claims arising from an
occurrence during the period between January 1, 1929 and December 31,
(f) Section
(a) of the Insurance Law requires such
insurers or their holding companies to report to the superintendent their plan
for complying with the provisions of article 27. The report of this plan,
required by section 2705(a), is the first of a series of reports required by
article 27. Under section 2705(b), insurers are also obligated to file an
annual report on January 30, 1999 and for each of the following 10 years
providing the information specified in that subsection. Reports under section
2705(b) apply to policies issued during the period between January 1, 1920 and
December 31, 1945. Reports also extend to the files of all companies who are
members of the same holding company system, even if those members do not
conduct business in New York State.
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.