N.D. Admin Code 85-04-08-03 - Sale procedure
1. A letter of
application for purchase of acquired lands meeting the criteria in section
85-04-08-01 may be accepted at any time. An application must include:
a. A nonrefundable application fee in an
amount set by the board;
b. A legal
description of the trust lands; and
c. A legal description of the lands to be
provided to ensure no net loss.
Upon board approval, a sale of acquired lands must be conducted in conformance with North Dakota Century Code sections 15-06-25 and 15-07-04.
Upon receipt of a letter of application for sale of a tract, the potential sale
must be presented to the commissioner for preliminary approval or
3. The commissioner may
recommend to the board that a tract be sold even though no letter of
application for sale has been received.
4. Upon a determination that the application
covers a tract the board is willing to sell, the department shall post on the
department's website a notice of the application for sale, any supporting
documentation, and instructions for submitting public comments. The department
also shall publish notice of a letter of application for sale in the official
newspaper of the county where the nominated tract is located and in the
Bismarck Tribune. Notice must be published once each week for three consecutive
weeks prior to the deadline for comments. The notice must contain the legal
description of the proposed tract and the deadline for comments. If publication
of any notice is omitted inadvertently by any newspaper or the notice contains
typographical errors, the department may proceed with the scheduled comment
period if it appears the omission or error is not prejudicial to the
department's interest. All comments must be in writing and contain the
a. Name and address of the
interested person;
b. Applicant's
name and address;
c. The legal
description of the proposed tract for sale as shown on the published notice;
d. A detailed statement as to
whether the interested person supports or opposes the sale.
5. The board shall review all
appraisals, public comments received, and any other relevant information, and
determine whether to proceed with the sale. If the board decides to proceed
with the sale, the board shall use the appraisal to establish a sale price. The
board reserves the right to increase the sale price if it deems the appraised
value is inadequate.
6. If the land
is leased, the commissioner shall notify the lessee of the intent to sell the
property during the months of October through January.
7. The department shall notify the applicant,
if any, of the price set by the board, which must be the minimum acceptable
sale price.
8. The department may
contract a legal metes and bounds survey for the tract to be sold at public
auction under North Dakota Century Code chapter 15-07.
9. If the applicant desires to proceed, the
applicant shall submit to the department a formal offer to purchase. The formal
offer to purchase must serve as the opening bid at the public sale.
The applicant shall provide five percent of the minimum sale price as earnest money, as a condition of the formal offer to purchase.
10. The department shall determine
if acquired lands will be advertised for sale at public auction or by sealed
bids, with the sale price set by the board as the minimum bid. If no bids are
received on property for which an application has been received, the acquired
lands may be sold to the applicant at the minimum bid.
11. If no bids are received on property for
which no formal application was received, the property may be sold for the
board-established minimum acceptable sale price to the first interested party
at a private sale during the six months following the date of the
12. The sale of land may
be by:
a. Contract under section 6 of article
IX of the Constitution of North Dakota; or
b. A purchase agreement requiring twenty
percent payment of the purchase price on the day of the sale, which may include
earnest money paid, and the balance due within sixty calendar days. The balance
due date may be extended at the commissioner's discretion, up to a maximum of
one hundred eighty days from the date of the sale. Interest must be charged on
any remaining balance, beginning sixty days after the date of sale, at the Bank
of North Dakota base rate plus one percent.
13. Acquired lands acquired after January 1,
2020, may be sold to any mortgagor or a member of the mortgagor's immediate
family under North Dakota Century Code section 15-07-10. The sale must be for
cash only with twenty percent payment of the purchase price on the day of the
sale, which may include earnest money paid, and the balance due within sixty
calendar days. The balance due date may be extended at the commissioner's
discretion, up to a maximum of one hundred eighty days from the date of the
sale. Interest must be charged on any remaining balance, beginning sixty days
after the date of sale, at the Bank of North Dakota base rate plus one percent.
General Authority: N.D. Constitution article IX, ยง 6; NDCC 28-32-02
Law Implemented: NDCC 15-07, 15-08
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