Ohio Admin. Code 1501:3-1-01 - Definitions
As used in Chapters 1501:3-1 to 1501:3-9 of the Administrative Code:
(A) "Authorized agent" means any
individual employed by the chief of the division of forestry and designated to
be responsible for the supervision of the operation, protection, maintenance
and management of land(s) or program(s) under administration of the
(B) "Camping" means
utilization of any piece of equipment for sleeping in or upon including but not
limited to a sleeping bag, hammock, station wagon, car, van, motor home, bus,
trailer, tent, tarp, truck, house vehicle, pickup camper, or watercraft, for
the purpose of occupying a portion of state land or water during the hours of
darkness for transient and temporary outdoor living.
(C) "Campground" means an area designated and
provided with facilities for camping. It may or may not have designated
(D) "Campsite" means:
(1) An area within a campground which has
been designated for occupancy by a camper;
(2) Or in a campground not having designated
campsites, the area occupied by a camper.
(E) "State forests" means any area
established and administered pursuant to section
of the Revised Code or any other area administered by the division of
(F) "Person" means any
individual, firm, partnership, corporation, company, association, or any
combination of individuals, and includes any agent, trustee, executor,
receiver, assignee, or any other representative thereof.
(G) "Snowmobile" as used in these rules shall
have the same meaning as set forth in section
of the Revised Code.
"All-purpose vehicle" as used in these rules shall have the same meaning as set
forth in section
of the Revised Code.
"Off highway motorcyle" as used in these rules has the
same meaning as set forth in section
of the Revised Code.
"Utility vehicle" as used in these rules has the same
meaning as set forth in section
of the Revised Code.
"Bicycle" as used in these rules has the same meaning
as set forth in section
of the revised code.
"Motorcycle" as used in these rules has the same
meaning as set forth in section
of the Revised Code.
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 1503.01
Rule Amplifies: 1503.01
Prior Effective Dates: 09/28/1977, 09/25/1986, 01/09/2004
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.