Ohio Admin. Code 3361:30-17-01 - Compensation: board compensation subcommittee

(A) Purpose.

The compensation subcommittee of the board finance and administration committee shall be responsible for the establishment of annual performance goals, for the process of annual performance evaluations and for setting the compensation of the president, those senior vice presidents who report directly to the president and any other officers or employees as the president shall direct.

(B) Membership.

Appointments to this subcommittee will be made yearly by the chair of the board. The subcommittee shall consist of no less than three members appointed from the regular members of the board who are members of the finance and administration committee.

(C) Responsibilities.

The compensation subcommittee shall:

(1) Review annually the compensation of the president and the senior vice presidents reporting directly to the president. In connection with this review the subcommittee may request that the senior associate vice president for human resources prepare an analysis of the market-competitiveness of university compensation relative to the compensation at comparable institutions;
(2) For the president, recommend annual performance goals and establish criteria for awarding annual incentive bonuses, prepare a performance evaluation for the previous year and recommend to the chairperson of the board adjustments to compensation based on that evaluation;
(3) For senior vice presidents reporting directly to the president, review and approve goal statements, performance review materials and any recommendations for compensation adjustments prepared by the president;
(4) Review annually the outside activity reports and outside compensation of the president and the senior vice presidents who report to the president and the quarterly report prepared by the university of Cincinnati foundation of expenditures on behalf of the president;
(5) Perform evaluations, set performance goals, and review and recommend changes to the compensation of such other officers and employees as the president may from time to time direct.
(6) Ensure compliance with university compensation policies and practices and terms of any applicable employment agreements in the exercise of the responsibilities set forth in this section rule.

Replaces: 3361:30-17-01


Ohio Admin. Code 3361:30-17-01
Effective: 6/8/2007
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 3361
Rule Amplifies: 3361
Prior Effective Dates: 6/8/2007

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

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