Ohio Admin. Code 3701-17-24 - Temperature regulation in homes
(A) For the purposes of this rule:
(1) "Resident area" means any area within a
nursing home that is occupied at any time by a resident except for an area,
such as a greenhouse, that is specifically designed to be kept a higher
temperature .
(2) "Temperature
range" means between seventy-one degrees fahrenheit and eighty one degrees
(B) Each
nursing home shall maintain the temperature within the temperature range and
the humidity in resident areas at a safe and comfortable level.
(C) Residents in rooms containing separate
heating and cooling systems who are capable of controlling them may maintain
the temperature of their rooms at any level they desire except the nursing home
shall take appropriate intervention if a resident 's desired temperature level
adversely affects or has potential for adversely affecting the health and
safety of the resident or the health, safety and comfort of any other resident
sharing the resident room.
(D) Each
nursing home in consultation with its medical director , shall develop written
policies and procedures for responding to temperatures in resident areas that
are outside the temperature range as defined in paragraph (A) of this rule. The
policies and procedures shall be signed by the medical director and shall
include at least the following:
(1) An
identification of available sites within or outside the nursing home to which
residents can be relocated temporarily and of other suitable health care
facilities that will be available to receive transfers of residents if the
temperature level adversely affects or has potential for adversely affecting
the health and safety of residents;
(2) Measures to be taken to assure the
health, safety and comfort of residents who remain in the nursing home when
temperatures are outside the temperature range as defined in paragraph (A)(2)
of this rule; and
Identification of the circumstances that require notification of the medical
director or a resident 's attending physician or that require medical
examinations or other medical intervention and appropriate time frames for
these actions.
Whenever the temperature in any resident area is outside the temperature range
as defined in paragraph (A)(2) of this rule, the nursing home shall immediately
evaluate the situation and monitor residents at risk and take appropriate
action to ensure the health, safety and comfort of its residents, including but
not limited to implementation of the policies and procedures developed under
paragraph (D) of this rule. The nursing home shall document all action taken
under this paragraph and shall maintain, on site, documentation of action taken
during the current calendar year and during the preceding calendar
(F) Each nursing home shall
maintain appropriate arrangements with qualified persons that provide for
emergency service in the event of an electrical, heating, ventilation or air
conditioning failure or malfunction and shall maintain documentation of the
arrangements such as employment or other written agreements. The nursing home
shall ensure that all necessary repairs are completed within forty-eight hours
or less. If, for reasons beyond the nursing home 's control, repairs cannot be
completed timely, the nursing home shall take any necessary action, as
specified in paragraph (E) of this rule, and shall provide for the repairs to
be completed as soon as possible.
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3721.04
Rule Amplifies: 3721.04
Prior Effective Dates: 7/28/88, 6/29/89, 6/18/90, 12/21/92, 9/4/94, 10/20/01
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.