Ohio Admin. Code 3701-28-16 - Registration of water haulers, hauled water trucks, inspections
(A) All water
haulers shall comply with the requirements of this rule. All water received
from transportation equipment shall be potable and from an approved public
water system and shall have a minimum of two-tenths
milligram per liter of free residual chlorine at the time of
(B) The outlet
connections at filling points shall be constructed and protected so that no
foreign material likely to cause contamination or pollution of the water can
come in contact with the outlet when not in use, or with the water during the
time of delivery.
(C) All water
haulers shall register annually with the board of health in which the
applicant's principal place of business is located.
and shall not deliver
water to a private water system before they have been registered and inspected.
Water haulers residing outside of the state shall make application for
registration and obtain inspection(s) from the board of health having
jurisdiction over the location where they first intend to deliver water.
The period of registration shall begin on January
first of each calendar year and expire on December thirty-first of each
calendar year.
Registrations shall not be transferable and shall and
expire on December thirty-first of each calendar year.
Water haulers
that do not haul water year-round shall become registered and their equipment
inspected prior to any water deliveries occurring.
The board of
health shall provide a list of all water haulers to the department by March
first of each year. A list of any water haulers who register after March first
shall be provided to the department according to the following schedule:
For registrations
received, or additional pieces of equipment added by a company, on or after the
first day of January but not later than the thirty-first day of March, transmit
the list not later than the fifteenth day of May;
For registrations
received, or additional pieces of equipment added by a company, on or after the
first day of April but not later than the thirtieth day of June, transmit the
list not later than the fifteenth day of August;
For registrations
received, or additional pieces of equipment added by a company, on or after the
first day of July but not later than the thirtieth day of September, transmit
the list not later than the fifteenth day of November;
For registrations
received, or additional pieces of equipment added by a company, on or after the
first day of October but not later than the thirty-first day of December,
transmit the list not later than the fifteenth day of February of the following
The list(s) provided by the board of health to the
department shall include:
Name of the water hauling company;
Name of the owner
of the water hauling company;
Address of the
water hauling company;
Phone number of the water hauling
Number of pieces of transportation equipment belonging
to the water hauling company that pass inspection by the health jurisdiction;
Public water supply location(s) utilized by the water
hauling company.
(D) All transportation equipment used in the
distribution of potable water, including but not limited to tank trucks, tank
cars, and tank wagons, shall be inspected for compliance with this rule and
approved if in compliance with this rule annually, by the board of health
having jurisdiction in the health district in which the applicant's principal
place of business is located each year prior to hauling
water . The board of health shall establish a fee for
annual inspection of each vehicle.
The board of health may establish a
fee for hauling water from an unapproved water source to a private water
(E) A water
hauler's transportation equipment is subject to inspection by the board of
health at any time for suspected
violations .
(F) Any
transportation equipment used in the distribution of potable water shall comply
with the following:
(1) The
vehicle and the
water hauling tank or container shall not have been
previously used to transport a noxious, hazardous, or a toxic substance or
(2) The
potable water transportation
and distribution equipment shall not be used to
transport or distribute water from streams, rivers, springs, ponds, lakes or
other water source not approved as a public water system for the use in a
private water system;
(3) All
equipment used in this distribution of potable water shall be clean and
sanitary and protected from contamination at all times;
(4) Each vehicle
registered tank or
container shall display the name and telephone number of the water hauler
with individual characters that measure at least three
inches high by one inch wide and a current approval sticker issued by the
board of health;
(5) Tanks and
other containers with which water comes in contact are to be made of materials
that meets NSF standard 61-2016 , except:
(a) Stainless steel;
(b) Aluminum used in the water hauling
products must be one of the following grades that can be found in
the actual standard
NSF standard 51-2014 :
(i) Wrought alloys 1000-6000
(ii) Casting alloys 218,
308, 319, 332, 356, 360, 413, B443, 514, 520, 713; or
(c) Plastic tanks manufactured with polymer
products meeting FDA 21 C.F.R. part 177 "Indirect Food Additives: Polymers"
(1996) requirements for contact with food are
regarded as acceptable.
(6) Tanks must be so constructed that every
portion of the interior can be easily cleaned and sanitized. Lead, cadmium, and
other toxic metals are not to be used on surfaces which come in contact with
the water.
(7) The
interior, piping, valves, and permanent or flexible connections shall be so
constructed and of materials which meet NSF standard 61 2016 and can be easily cleaned and sanitized.
(8) The inlet or opening to every container
shall be so constructed to prevent the entrance of insects, rodents or other
foreign material that may cause contamination of water. With the exceptions of
cleaning, inspecting, or filling the tank, the inlet openings shall be kept
closed at all times.
Outlet connections shall be so constructed and protected as to prevent
contamination of potable water. Protection from contamination shall be provided
at times of delivery and nonuse
Flexible connector ends shall be protected and capped at all times except
during filling or emptying of the transportation equipment.
(11) Any tank or other container that is used
for the purpose of hauling water shall only be used to haul potable water, milk, or a food grade liquid and shall not be used
to carry any other substances.
(12) A
water hauler shall keep equipment to test the free residual of chlorine in the
tank and shall test the tanks of water that are delivered. If less than 0.2
milligram per liter is detected then the hauler shall add sufficient chlorine
to obtain the residual chlorine concentration required by paragraph (A) of this
(13) A water hauler shall
keep a record of all water deliveries
from the location of public water supply fill-up to the
locations of all deliveries to private water systems
of water for a period of ninety days
from the date of the last
The water contact surfaces and equipment shall be cleaned and disinfected
in accordance with the most current guidance :
(1) Before it is put into use
for the purposes of hauling potable
water ;
(2) When the system or
any of its parts have been dismantled or replaced for purpose of repair,
maintenance or alteration;
(3) Any
time contamination is suspected; and
(4) At least weekly during periods of
(H) Each tank
load of water shall be dosed with a sufficient amount of chlorine to produce a
minimum chlorine residual of 0.2 milligrams per liter but no more than four milligrams per liter .
Any board of health or the department may order
any water hauler to cease water deliveries or the use of any water
transportation equipment for violation of this rule or if the
board of health or the department suspects
contamination of the water hauling equipment or the hauled water.
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3701.344
Rule Amplifies: 3701.344
Prior Effective Dates: 01/01/1981, 01/01/2000, 04/01/2011
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.