Ohio Admin. Code 3701-43-24 - Medically handicapped children's medical advisory council
(A) The medically
handicapped children's medical advisory council , created by section
3701.025 of the Revised Code,
shall consist of twenty-one members appointed by the director for terms set by
paragraph (B) of this rule. The director shall appoint members based upon the
following criteria:
(1) All members shall be
licensed physicians, surgeons, dentists and other professionals in the field of
(2) All members shall be
providers; and
(3) The members
shall be representative of the various disciplines, geographic areas of Ohio
and types of treatment facilities, such as hospitals, private and public health
clinics and private physicians' offices, involved in the treatment of children
with medically handicapping conditions.
(B) Except as otherwise provided in this
paragraph, members of the medical advisory council shall serve terms of seven
years. The director may reappoint members for one term.
(C) Members of the medical advisory council
shall serve at the pleasure of the director and shall be removed from
membership for nonperformance of duties or for failure to continue to meet the
qualifications established by paragraph (A) of this rule. The director may
appoint a member, subject to the provisions of paragraph (A) of this rule, to
fill a vacancy occurring during a member's term because of death, resignation
or removal. A member appointed to fill a vacancy shall serve for the duration
of the unexpired term and may be reappointed.
(D) The medical advisory council shall meet
at least annually. It shall adopt bylaws to govern its meetings and
organization and the meetings and organization of its committees and shall
review and update the bylaws periodically. The bylaws shall provide for the
establishment by the medical advisory council of an executive committee of
seven members which shall have and exercise all powers and duties of the
medical advisory council . The medical advisory council and the executive
committee also may establish standing subcommittees and ad hoc subcommittees to
advise the medical advisory council and the director on matters that require
special or extended consideration. The subcommittees may include individuals
other than members of the medical advisory council .
(E) The medical advisory council shall advise
the director regarding:
(1) The suitable
quality of medical practice for providers;
(2) The requirements for medical eligibility
for the program ; and
(3) Other
aspects of the administration of the program .
(F) One or more members of the medical
advisory council may provide advice to the director , upon request, concerning
medical issues such as:
(1) Whether a
physician provider applicant should be approved as a provider , based upon an
interview with the physician and/or review of the physician 's application;
(2) Whether a physician provider
applicant has skill and significant experience in the treatment of children or
adolescents with handicapping conditions;
(3) The appropriate scope of services for
which a provider should be approved or whether a physician provider should be
approved as a limited provider under paragraph (D) of rule
3701-43-03 of the Administrative
(4) Whether an out-of-state
provider applicant should be approved or provision of goods or services outside
of Ohio should be authorized;
Whether particular conditions are medically eligible conditions under rule
3701-43-17 of the Administrative
(6) Whether services or
goods requested to be provided to a recipient meet the definition of diagnostic
services or treatment services or goods established by paragraphs (D) and (V)
of rule 3701-43-01 of the Administrative
(7) Whether treatment goods
or services should be authorized for an associated condition under paragraph
(E)(3) of rule
3701-43-18 of the Administrative
(8) The development of
medical policies ; or
(9) Any other
medical issue.
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3701.021
Rule Amplifies: 3701.021, 3701.025
Prior Effective Dates: 1/2/1989, 12/1/01
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3701.021
Rule Amplifies: 3701.021, 3701.025
Prior Effective Dates: 1/2/1989, 12/1/01
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.