Ohio Admin. Code 3745-18-47 - Jefferson county emission limits

(A) No owner or operator of any coal-fired steam generating unit in Jefferson county, unless otherwise specified in this rule, shall cause or permit the emission of sulfur dioxide from any source to exceed a maximum of 1.8 pounds of sulfur dioxide per MM Btu actual heat input.
(B) No owner or operator of any oil-fired steam generating unit in Jefferson county, unless otherwise specified in this rule, shall cause or permit the emission of sulfur dioxide from any source to exceed a maximum of 0.8 pounds of sulfur dioxide per MM Btu actual heat input.
(C) No owner or operator of a by-product coke oven for a facility in Jefferson county which utilizes by-product coke oven gas shall cause or permit the combustion of by-product coke oven gas containing hydrogen sulfide in excess of fifty grains of hydrogen sulfide per one hundred dry standard cubic feet of coke oven gas.
(D) The "Cardinal Power Plant (Cardinal Operating Company)" (OEPA premise number 0641050002) or any subsequent owner or operator of the "Cardinal Power Plant (Cardinal Operating Company), 306 County Road 7 East," Brilliant, Ohio" shall not cause or permit emissions of sulfur dioxide from the following sources to exceed the amounts indicated:
(1) Main boiler unit numbers 1 and 2 (OEPA source numbers B001 and B002); a maximum of 1.056 pounds of sulfur dioxide per MM Btu actual heat input from each boiler.
(2) Main boiler unit number 3 (OEPA source number B009); a maximum of 0.66 pounds of sulfur dioxide per MM Btu actual heat input.
(3) Main boiler unit numbers 1, 2 and 3 (OEPA source numbers B001, B002 and B009), combined; a maximum of 4, 858.75 pounds of sulfur dioxide per hour as a rolling, thirty-day average.
(E) [Reserved.]
(F) [Reserved.]
(G) The "Mingo Junction Steel Works, LLC JSW Steel USA Ohio" (OEPA premise number 0641090010) or any subsequent owner or operator of the "Mingo Junction Steel Works, LLC JSW Steel USA Ohio, 540 Commercial Ave," Mingo Junction, Ohio" shall not cause or permit the emission of sulfur dioxide from the following sources to exceed the amounts indicated:
(1) [Reserved.]
(2) [Reserved.]
(3) Reheat furnaces 2 to 4 (OEPA source numbers P006 to P008); a maximum of 1.0 pounds of sulfur dioxide per hour.
(4) Electric arc furnace number 1 (OEPA source number P913); a maximum of 105.0 pounds of sulfur dioxide per hour.
(5) Ladle metallurgical furnace to the electric arc furnace (OEPA source number P914); a maximum of 14.0 pounds of sulfur dioxide per hour.
(H) [Reserved.]
(I) [Reserved.]
(J) [Reserved.]
(K) [Reserved.]
(L) The "W.H. Sammis Plant" (OEPA premise number 0641160017) or any subsequent owner or operator of the "W.H. Sammis Plant, 29503 State Route 7, Stratton, Ohio" shall not cause or permit the emission of sulfur dioxide from the following sources to exceed the amounts indicated:
(1) [Reserved.]
(2) Diesel numbers A, B1, B2, B3, and B4 (OEPA source numbers B002, B003, B004, B005, and B006 P005, P006, P007, P008, and P009); a maximum of 0.8 pounds of sulfur dioxide per MM Btu actual heat input from each diesel.
(3) Boiler numbers 1 to 4 (OEPA source numbers B007 to B010); a maximum of 1.61 pounds of sulfur dioxide per MM Btu actual heat input from each boiler.
(4) Boiler numbers 5 to 7 (OEPA source numbers B011 to B013); a maximum of 4.46 pounds of sulfur dioxide per MM Btu actual heat input from each boiler.
(5) As an alternative to paragraphs (L)(3) and (L)(4) of this rule, boiler numbers 1 to 7 (OEPA source numbers B007 to B013); a maximum of 2.91 pounds of sulfur dioxide per MM Btu actual heat input from each boiler. The "W.H. Sammis Plant" shall notify the director and the administrator at least ninety days prior to the intended date of conversion when changing between the emission limits contained in this paragraph and the emission limits contained in paragraphs (L) (3) and (L)(4) of this rule. "W.H. Sammis Plant" shall comply with either this paragraph or paragraphs (L)(3) and (L)(4) of this rule.

(M) [Reserved.]

(N) [[Reserved.]

(O) [Reserved.]

(P) "Mingo Junction Energy Center, LLC" (OEPA premise number 0641090234) or any subsequent owner or operator of " Mingo Junction Energy Center, LLC," Mingo Junction, Ohio shall not cause or permit the emission of sulfur dioxide from units number 1 to 4 (OEPA source numbers B001 to B004) to exceed a maximum of 0.0028 pounds of sulfur dioxide per MM Btu actual heat input from each boiler.


Ohio Admin. Code 3745-18-47
Effective: 2/3/2022
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 11/9/2021 and 11/09/2026
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3704.03(E)
Rule Amplifies: 3704.03(A), 3704.03(E)
Prior Effective Dates: 12/28/1979, 05/11/1987, 07/25/1996, 02/17/2011, 10/23/2015, 02/16/2017, 07/05/2019

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