Ohio Admin. Code 3745-7-07 - Professional operator in training

The director may allow an applicant to defer completion of the onsite operating experience requirements for their classification of certificate required by rule 3745-7-06 of the Administrative Code until after successfully passing the an examination for certification. Such applicants shall be designated as "professional operators in training" after successfully passing the an examination until such time as they fulfill the onsite operating experience requirements are fulfilled.

(A) Eligibility for professional operator in training status shall be limited to applicants for the class A, I, or II examination.
(B) Eligibility requirements for examination and designation as an a professional operator in training are the same as the prerequisites in rule 3745-7-06 of the Administrative Code, except that the director may waive the onsite operating experience requirement in public water systems, sewerage systems, or treatment works until after the applicant has successfully passed the an examination.
(C) An A professional operator in training shall complete the operating experience requirement within four years of passing the an examination for which they the professional operator applied.
(D) Upon successfully completing the actual onsite operating experience requirements of rule 3745-7-06 of the Administrative Code, the applicant shall submit an application to be certified by the director as an a professional operator in the classification for which they the professional operator applied, subject to verification by the council.
(E) Any person designated as a professional operator in training is not certified and shall not act as a professional operator of record.


Ohio Admin. Code 3745-7-07
Effective: 8/15/2018
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 4/2/2018 and 08/15/2023
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 6109.04, 6111.46
Rule Amplifies: 6111.46, 6109.04
Prior Effective Dates: 2/1/64, 4/17/86, 1/1/99, 2/12/01, 2/18/02, 12/21/06, 02/23/12

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