Ohio Admin. Code 4901-1-27 - Hearings
(A) The commission,
the legal director, the deputy legal director, or an attorney examiner
assign the time and place for each hearing. Unless otherwise ordered, all
hearings shall be
are held at the offices of the commission in Columbus,
Ohio. Reasonable notice of each hearing shall
will be provided
to all parties.
(B) The presiding
hearing officer shall regulate
regulates the course of the hearing and the conduct of
the participants. Unless otherwise provided by law, the presiding hearing
officer may, without limitation:
Administer oaths and affirmations.
(2) Determine the order in which the parties
shall present testimony and the order in
which witnesses shall be
are examined.
(3) Issue subpoenas.
(4) Rule on objections, procedural motions,
and other procedural matters.
Examine witnesses.
(6) Grant
(7) Take such actions
as are necessary to:
(a) Avoid unnecessary
(b) Prevent the presentation
of irrelevant or cumulative evidence.
(c) Prevent argumentative, repetitious,
cumulative, or irrelevant cross- examination.
(d) Assure that the hearing proceeds in an
orderly and expeditious manner.
Prevent public disclosure of trade secrets, proprietary business information,
or confidential research, development, or commercial materials and information.
The presiding hearing officer may, upon motion of any party, direct that a
portion of the hearing be conducted in camera and that the corresponding
portion of the record be sealed to prevent public disclosure of trade secrets,
proprietary business information, or confidential research, development, or
commercial materials and information. The party requesting such protection
shall have the burden of establishing that such protection is required. The
commission or the presiding hearing officer shall
will issue a
ruling prior to the closing of the case regarding the amount of time that any
sealed portion of the hearing record shall
remains sealed.
(C) The presiding
hearing officer shall
will permit members of the public that are not parties
to the proceeding, the opportunity to offer testimony at the portion or session
of the hearing designated for the taking of public testimony.
(D) Formal exceptions to rulings or orders of
the presiding hearing officer are unnecessary if, at the time the ruling or
order is made, the party makes known the action which he or she desires the
presiding hearing officer to take, or his or her objection to action which has
been taken and the basis for that objection.
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 4901.13
Rule Amplifies: 4901.13, 4901.18
Prior Effective Dates: 03/01/1981, 06/01/1983, 07/18/1985, 12/25/1987, 05/07/2007, 06/15/2014
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
(A) The commission, the legal director, the deputy legal director, or an attorney examiner ALJ shall will assign the time and place for each hearing. Unless otherwise ordered, all hearings shall be are held at the offices of the commission in Columbus, Ohio. Reasonable notice of each hearing shall will be provided to all parties.
(B) The presiding hearing officer shall regulate regulates the course of the hearing and the conduct of the participants. Unless otherwise provided by law, the presiding hearing officer may, without limitation:
(1) Administer oaths and affirmations.
(2) Determine the order in which the parties shall present testimony and the order in which witnesses shall be are examined.
(3) Issue subpoenas.
(4) Rule on objections, procedural motions, and other procedural matters.
(5) Examine witnesses.
(6) Grant continuances.
(7) Take such actions as are necessary to:
(a) Avoid unnecessary delay.
(b) Prevent the presentation of irrelevant or cumulative evidence.
(c) Prevent argumentative, repetitious, cumulative, or irrelevant cross- examination.
(d) Assure that the hearing proceeds in an orderly and expeditious manner.
(e) Prevent public disclosure of trade secrets, proprietary business information, or confidential research, development, or commercial materials and information. The presiding hearing officer may, upon motion of any party, direct that a portion of the hearing be conducted in camera and that the corresponding portion of the record be sealed to prevent public disclosure of trade secrets, proprietary business information, or confidential research, development, or commercial materials and information. The party requesting such protection shall have the burden of establishing that such protection is required. The commission or the presiding hearing officer shall will issue a ruling prior to the closing of the case regarding the amount of time that any sealed portion of the hearing record shall remain remains sealed.
(C) The presiding hearing officer shall will permit members of the public that are not parties to the proceeding, the opportunity to offer testimony at the portion or session of the hearing designated for the taking of public testimony.
(D) Formal exceptions to rulings or orders of the presiding hearing officer are unnecessary if, at the time the ruling or order is made, the party makes known the action which he or she desires the presiding hearing officer to take, or his or her objection to action which has been taken and the basis for that objection.
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 4901.13
Rule Amplifies: 4901.13, 4901.18
Prior Effective Dates: 03/01/1981, 06/01/1983, 07/18/1985, 12/25/1987, 05/07/2007, 06/15/2014