Ohio Admin. Code 5101:2-46-10 - Case record requirements for Title IV-E kinship guardianship assistance program (KGAP)
Ohio department
of job and family services (ODJFS) is to maintain a KGAP case record that is
available upon request.
The case record is to contain documentation which
supports the public children services agency (PCSA) actions in determining
eligibility for KGAP. The case record is to include the following information,
when applicable:
A copy of the signed JFS 00131 "Title IV-E Kinship
Guardianship Assistance Program (KGAP) Application for Initial Eligibility,"
even if the kinship caregiver(s) declines.
A copy of the
signed JFS 00133 "Title IV-E Kinship Guardianship Assistance Program (KGAP)
A copy of the KGAP eligibility determination in the
Ohio statewide automated child welfare information system
A copy of each signed JFS 00136 "Title IV-E Kinship
Guardianship Assistance Program (KGAP) Annual Assurance of Legal
Responsibility, School Attendance and Eligibility for Continued Medicaid
A copy of the ODM 06612 "Health Insurance Information
Sheet," as completed by the kinship caregiver(s).
A copy of the ODM
06613 "Accident/Injury Insurance Information," as completed by the kinship
A copy of the ODM 03528 "Healthchek and Pregnancy
Related Services information Sheet," as applicable.
A copy of the
journalized court order granting the kinship caregiver(s) legal
A copy of the documentation evidencing repayment of any
identified KGAP overpayment.
A copy of all
state hearing, administrative appeal, and judicial review
A copy of the interstate compact and KGAP medical
assistance forms.
For applications
received from a kinship caregiver(s) who resides out of state, the case record
is to include a copy of forms which contain, at a minimum, the information
required by the JFS 00131 "Title IV-E Kinship Guardianship Assistance Program
(KGAP) Application for Initial Eligibility."
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 5153.163, 5101.1417
Rule Amplifies: 5153.163, 5153.16
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
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