Ohio Admin. Code 5101:4-4-01 - Food assistance: resource standards
An assistance group who has not been determined categorically eligible in accordance with rule 5101:4-2-02 of the Administrative Code must be under the resource limit in order to be eligible for supplemental nutrition assistance program (SNAP) benefits. Resource limits are reviewed and adjusted annually. The amounts are updated in the statewide automated eligibility system and the county agencies are notified of the amounts by issuance of a food assistance change transmittal, which can be found in the food assistance certification handbook at the Ohio department of job and family services website: http://emanuals.jfs.ohio.gov.
There are two types of resources:
For assistance groups containing sponsored aliens as defined in rule 5101:4-6-31 of the Administrative Code, resources shall also include that portion of the resources of an alien's sponsor and the sponsor's spouse (when living with the sponsor) that has been deemed to be the alien's in accordance with the procedure established in rule 5101:4-6-31 of the Administrative Code, unless the sponsored alien is otherwise exempt from this provision in accordance with rule 5101:4-6-31 of the Administrative Code.
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 5101.54
Rule Amplifies: 329.04, 329.042, 5101.54
Prior Effective Dates: 06/02/1980, 04/01/1981, 09/27/1982, 06/01/1983, 06/17/1983, 12/25/1983 (Temp.), 02/01/1984 (Temp.), 04/01/1984, 08/01/1986 (Emer.), 10/01/1986, 01/16/1987 (Emer.), 04/06/1987, 12/01/1991, 08/01/1992 (Emer.), 10/30/1992, 05/01/1995, 08/01/1995 (Emer.), 10/13/1995, 09/28/1998, 10/01/2002 (Emer.), 12/05/2002, 06/01/2003 (Emer.), 06/16/2003, 06/12/2008, 02/01/2012, 09/01/2013, 09/01/2018
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.