(A) The Ohio
department of job and family services (ODJFS) issues the department of labor
(DOL) Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) allocations to
the local area WIOA fiscal agent on behalf of the
WIOA local workforce development boards (LWDBs)
to provide
to adults with barriers to
, the services they need to
succeed in the labor market. These services include increased access to
opportunities for employment, education, training and support
(B) This allocation is
composed of one hundred per cent federal funds. The
catalog of federal domestic assistance (CFDA)
assistance listings number is 17.258.
The period of
ODJFS communicates the
funding and liquidation
periods for this allocation
will be communicated by ODJFS through the
county finance and information system (CFIS).
must be expended by
The WIOA local area can
incur accruals through the end of the
funding period
performance and
disburse and
expenditures no later than the end of the liquidation period.
(D) ODJFS authorizes the WIOA adult funds on
a program year (PY) and/or a federal fiscal year (FFY) basis.
(E) Methodology.
ODJFS uses the following formulas to allocate formulary funding
for WIOA local areas. Statistics used to
calculate funding are provided by the office of workforce development (OWD) as
described in the state plan approved by the DOL.
(1) ODJFS allocates one-third of the funds
based on the relative number of unemployed individuals in areas of substantial
unemployment in each
WIOA local area, compared to
the total number of unemployed individuals in areas of substantial unemployment
in the state.
(2) ODJFS allocates
one-third of the funds based on the relative excess number of unemployed
individuals in each
WIOA local area compared to
the total excess number of unemployed individuals in the state.
(3) ODJFS allocates one-third of the funds
based on the relative number of disadvantaged adults in each
WIOA local area compared to the total number of
disadvantaged adults in the state.
(4) Hold harmless provision
(a) ODJFS applies the "hold harmless"
provision which states that the
WIOA local area
will not receive an allocation amount for a PY that is less than ninety per
cent of the average allocation percentage of the local area for the two
preceding PYs.
will calculate
calculates the amounts necessary for increasing
allocations to
WIOA local areas in accordance
with the hold harmless provision by proportionately reducing the allocations
made to other
WIOA local areas.
(c) If the amount of the WIOA funds
appropriated in a fiscal year are not sufficient to provide the amount
specified in paragraph (E)(4)(b) of this rule to all
WIOA local areas, ODJFS
will proportionally
reduces the
amounts allocated to each
WIOA local
(5) Should the DOL
issue a rescission of funds, ODJFS
determines the level of
adjustments needed to comply with the rescission.
(F) Allowable expenditures.
Allowable expenditures must
WIOA local areas shall comply with all
office of workforce development (OWD) program policy
regarding expenditure rates and recapture of unused funds. ODJFS will determine
the level of adjustment needed if DOL should issue a rescission of funds
requirements of the state and local area subgrant
agreement, as well as any incorporated assurances, certifications, and 2 C.F.R.
Parts 200and 2900.
(1) Career
Career pathways provide participants education and training
services that align with the skill needs of industries in the involved economy.
The focus on career pathways enables individuals to participate in activities
that support industry or sector partnerships and provide increased focus on the
attainment of industry-recognized certificates and credentials linked to
in-demand occupations. Career pathways include:
(a) Counseling that supports education and
career goals;
(b) Education and
training for workforce preparation and specific occupation or occupation
(c) Services that
accelerate the educational and career advancement of the participant;
(d) Training that assists the
participant's attainment of a secondary diploma or its recognized
Incumbent worker training services up to twenty per cent, as described in WIOA
section 134(d)(4)
unless a waiver from the US
department of labor allows for a deviation from this standard.
(3) Supportive services, including needs
related payments as described in WIOA sections 134(d)(2) and
(4) Under WIOA section
133(b)(4), a local area may utilize the WIOA adult funding for allowable
services under dislocated worker employment and training activities.
areas electing to use a percentage of the WIOA adult grant for dislocated
worker activities shall use the coding established in CFIS.
(6) All funding is subject to the
OWD program policy regarding expenditure rates and recapture of unused
(G) Administration.
(1) The costs of administration are the costs
associated with performing the following:
Accounting, budgeting, financial and cash management;
(b) Procurement and purchasing;
(c) Property and personnel
(d) Payroll;
(e) Audits and coordinating the resolution of
findings arising from audits, reviews, investigations and incident
(f) General legal
(g) Developing systems
and procedures, including information systems, required for these
administrative functions; and
Fiscal agent responsibilities.
(2) In accordance with
C.F.R. part
683.215, the definition of WIOA
administration specifies that all costs incurred for functions and activities
of sub-recipients and contractors are program costs, unless the sub-recipient
or contractor is performing only administrative functions.
(3) A
local area may use up to ten per cent of the allocation amounts for the
administrative cost of carrying out WIOA activities.
(4) Sub-recipients and contractors performing
program functions that are funded with WIOA adult funds do not report the costs
associated with performing these program functions as administrative costs
against the
WIOA local area's ten per cent
administration expense limit.
(H) Statewide activities.
(1) The governor may set aside a portion of
the funds for this allocation as defined in federal legislation for statewide
activities, including five per cent for administrative activities.
(2) The governor or
local workforce development board (LWDB) may
increase the on-the-job training reimbursement rate to seventy-five per cent
under certain conditions as defined in WIOA section 134(c).
(3) ODJFS may periodically allocate statewide
funding for special projects.
(I) Allocated funds may not be used on
construction or purchase of facilities, buildings, or foreign travel.
(J) The
local area shall maintain documentation in accordance with the records
retention requirements in rule
of the Administrative Code. This documentation may be subject to inspection,
monitoring, and audit by the ODJFS office of fiscal and monitoring services
(OFMS) and the Ohio auditor of state (AOS).
Ohio Admin. Code 5101:9-31-92
Promulgated Under:
Statutory Authority:
Rule Amplifies:
Prior Effective Dates: 06/22/2015,