Chapter 3364-72 - Faculty Qualifications
- § 3364-72-03 - Faculty workload measurement and reporting requirements for colleges of the university of Toledo
- § 3364-72-04 - Honorary degrees
- § 3364-72-05 - Departments or schools and departmental or school chairs for the university colleges
- § 3364-72-07 - Grievance procedure
- § 3364-72-08 - Emeritus faculty
- § 3364-72-11 - University evaluation of faculty qualifications, including faculty holding less than a master's degree
- § 3364-72-12 - Administrator assuming faculty position
- § 3364-72-15 - Expedited tenure review
- § 3364-72-50 - Faculty consulting
- § 3364-72-51 - Faculty grievance and appeals
- § 3364-72-52 - Post tenure review policy
- § 3364-72-53 - Textbook and instructional materials selection policy
- § 3364-72-54 - Assessment of student learning
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.