Chapter 3701-31 - Swimming Pools
- § 3701-31-01 - Definitions
- § 3701-31-02 - Responsibilities of the director of health
- § 3701-31-02.1 - [Rescinded] Fees
- § 3701-31-02.2 - [Rescinded] License fee categories
- § 3701-31-02.3 - [Rescinded] Cost methodology
- § 3701-31-03 - Responsibilities of the licensor
- § 3701-31-03.1 - [Rescinded] Compliance with approved plans; verification inspections
- § 3701-31-04 - Responsibilities of the licensee
- § 3701-31-04.1 - [Rescinded] Design requirements for construction, installation, renovation, or other substantial alteration of public swimming pools, public spas, and special use pools on or after January 1, 1999
- § 3701-31-05 - Submission of plans prior to licensure
- § 3701-31-05.1 - Design criteria for new construction or substantial alteration of a public swimming pool on or after April 1, 2011
- § 3701-31-06 - [Rescinded] Operation
- § 3701-31-07 - [Rescinded] Disinfection and quality of water
- § 3701-31-08 - [Rescinded] Limited variance
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.