Chapter 3701-42 - WIC Program
- § 3701-42-01 - Definitions
- § 3701-42-02 - Food delivery system
- § 3701-42-03 - WIC vendor authorization
- § 3701-42-04 - WIC vendor contract
- § 3701-42-05 - Authorized foods; required minimum foods
- § 3701-42-06 - WIC vendor responsibilities
- § 3701-42-07 - Payment for food instruments
- § 3701-42-08 - Abuse of the WIC program; sanctions
- § 3701-42-09 - Administrative review of adverse action affecting vendor and applicant participation
- § 3701-42-10 - Pharmacy vendor authorization
- § 3701-42-11 - [Rescinded] Healthy pregnancy; healthy baby tips
- § 3701-42-12 - [Rescinded] Farmer responsibilities
- § 3701-42-13 - [Rescinded] Payment for fruit and vegetable vouchers
- § 3701-42-14 - [Rescinded] Farmer sanctions
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.