Chapter 3745-101 - Transportation Conformity

  1. § 3745-101-01 - [Rescinded] Purpose
  2. § 3745-101-02 - [Rescinded] Definitions
  3. § 3745-101-03 - [Rescinded] Applicability, priority, and frequency of conformity determinations
  4. § 3745-101-04 - [Rescinded] Consultation
  5. § 3745-101-05 - [Rescinded] Procedures for determining regional transportation-related emissions
  6. § 3745-101-06 - [Rescinded] Enforceability of design concept and scope and project-level mitigation and control measures
  7. § 3745-101-07 - Criteria and procedures for conformity determination, assumptions, emissions model, and consultation. [Rescinded]
  8. § 3745-101-08 - Criteria and procedures for implementation of TCMs, current conformity, and projects from a plan and TIP. [Rescinded]
  9. § 3745-101-09 - Localized CO and PM10 violations and compliance with PM10 control measures. [Rescinded]
  10. § 3745-101-10 - Motor vehicle emissions budgets. [Rescinded]
  11. § 3745-101-11 - Criteria and procedures: Emission reductions in areas without motor vehicle emissions budgets. [Rescinded]
  12. § 3745-101-12 - Consequences of control strategy implementation plan failures. [Rescinded]
  13. § 3745-101-13 - Requirements for adoption or approval of projects by other recipients of funds designated under Title 23 U.S.C. or the federal transit laws. [Rescinded]
  14. § 3745-101-14 - Procedures for determining regional transportation-related emissions. [Rescinded]
  15. § 3745-101-15 - Procedures for determining localized CO and PM10 concentrations (hot-spot analysis). [Rescinded]
  16. § 3745-101-16 - Using the motor vehicle emissions budget in the applicable implementation plan. [Rescinded]
  17. § 3745-101-17 - Enforceability of design concept and scope and project-level mitigation and control measures. [Rescinded]
  18. § 3745-101-18 - Exempt projects. [Rescinded]
  19. § 3745-101-19 - Traffic signal synchronization projects. [Rescinded]
  20. § 3745-101-20 - Savings provisions. [Rescinded]

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.