Chapter 3745-55 - Corrective Action, Closure, Post-Closure, and Financial Requirements
- § 3745-55-01 - Corrective action program. [Rescinded]
- § 3745-55-01.1 - Corrective action for waste management units. [Rescinded]
- § 3745-55-10 - Applicability: closure and post-closure
- § 3745-55-11 - Closure performance standard
- § 3745-55-12 - Closure plan and amendment of closure plan
- § 3745-55-13 - Closure; time allowed for closure
- § 3745-55-14 - Disposal or decontamination of equipment, structures and soils
- § 3745-55-15 - Certification of closure
- § 3745-55-16 - Survey plat
- § 3745-55-17 - Post-closure care and use of property
- § 3745-55-18 - Post-closure plan and amendment of post-closure plan
- § 3745-55-19 - Notice to local land authority
- § 3745-55-20 - Certification of completion of post-closure care
- § 3745-55-40 - Applicability- financial requirements
- § 3745-55-41 - Definitions
- § 3745-55-42 - Cost estimate for closure
- § 3745-55-43 - Financial assurance for facility closure
- § 3745-55-44 - Cost estimate for post-closure care
- § 3745-55-45 - Financial assurance for post-closure care
- § 3745-55-46 - Use of a mechanism for financial assurance of both closure and post-closure care
- § 3745-55-47 - Liability requirements
- § 3745-55-48 - Incapacity of owners or operators, guarantors, or financial institutions
- § 3745-55-51 - Wording of the instruments
- § 3745-55-70 - Applicability - use and management of containers
- § 3745-55-71 - Condition of containers
- § 3745-55-72 - Compatibility of waste with containers
- § 3745-55-73 - Management of containers
- § 3745-55-74 - Inspections- containers
- § 3745-55-75 - Containment- containers
- § 3745-55-76 - Special requirements for ignitable or reactive waste
- § 3745-55-77 - Special requirements for incompatible wastes
- § 3745-55-78 - Closure
- § 3745-55-79 - Air emission standards - containers
- § 3745-55-90 - Applicability - tank systems
- § 3745-55-91 - Assessment of existing tank system's integrity
- § 3745-55-92 - Design and installation of new tank systems or components
- § 3745-55-93 - Containment and detection of releases
- § 3745-55-94 - General operating requirements
- § 3745-55-95 - Inspections - tank systems
- § 3745-55-96 - Response to leaks or spills and disposition of leaking or unfit-for-use tank systems
- § 3745-55-97 - Closure and post-closure care
- § 3745-55-98 - Special requirements for ignitable waste or reactive waste - tank systems
- § 3745-55-99 - Special requirements for incompatible wastes
- § 3745-55-100 - Air emission standards - tank systems
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.