Chapter 3769-14 - Permit Holders and Officials

  1. § 3769-14-01 - Permit holders, stable list
  2. § 3769-14-02 - Must file agreements
  3. § 3769-14-03 - Written order required
  4. § 3769-14-04 - Post time last race
  5. § 3769-14-05 - Conflict in interest
  6. § 3769-14-06 - Minors
  7. § 3769-14-07 - Unlawful gambling
  8. § 3769-14-08 - Bookmaking not permitted
  9. § 3769-14-09 - Prevent touting
  10. § 3769-14-10 - Condition of premises and race track
  11. § 3769-14-11 - Stable area security
  12. § 3769-14-12 - Maintain ambulance
  13. § 3769-14-13 - Floodlights
  14. § 3769-14-14 - Refuse pits
  15. § 3769-14-15 - Sanitation
  16. § 3769-14-16 - Tip sheets
  17. § 3769-14-17 - Living quarters
  18. § 3769-14-18 - First aid room
  19. § 3769-14-19 - Visual recording
  20. § 3769-14-20 - Driver, trainer must be licensed
  21. § 3769-14-21 - Provide gate, head numbers and uniformly colored saddle pads
  22. § 3769-14-22 - Provide breath analyzer
  23. § 3769-14-23 - Provide paddocks and paddock rules
  24. § 3769-14-24 - Code of conduct in paddock
  25. § 3769-14-25 - Officials, judges
  26. § 3769-14-26 - Officials, presiding judge
  27. § 3769-14-27 - Right to inspect
  28. § 3769-14-28 - Supervision by judges
  29. § 3769-14-29 - Officials' powers
  30. § 3769-14-30 - May appoint deputy
  31. § 3769-14-31 - Provision to fill vacancy
  32. § 3769-14-32 - Disqualification to act as official
  33. § 3769-14-33 - Daily reports
  34. § 3769-14-34 - Minority opinion
  35. § 3769-14-35 - Entries and declarations
  36. § 3769-14-36 - May disqualify horse
  37. § 3769-14-37 - Posponement; withdrawn
  38. § 3769-14-38 - Commission approval required of all officials
  39. § 3769-14-39 - Must be disinterested
  40. § 3769-14-40 - Eye tests
  41. § 3769-14-41 - Duties of officials
  42. § 3769-14-42 - Placing
  43. § 3769-14-43 - Photographic finish
  44. § 3769-14-44 - Equipment record
  45. § 3769-14-45 - Track veterinarian
  46. § 3769-14-46 - Patrol judges
  47. § 3769-14-47 - Timers
  48. § 3769-14-48 - Duties of the racing secretary
  49. § 3769-14-49 - Clerk of course
  50. § 3769-14-50 - Paddock judge
  51. § 3769-14-51 - Charter, identifier
  52. § 3769-14-52 - Sulky equipment
  53. § 3769-14-53 - Harness race track without a hub rail
  54. § 3769-14-54 - Expanded homestretch racing
  55. § 3769-14-99 - Penalties commission may impose

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.