Chapter 5101:2-36 - Screening and Investigation

  1. § 5101:2-36-01 - Intake and screening procedures for child abuse, neglect, dependency, family in need of services, and post-emancipation reports; and information and/or referral intakes
  2. § 5101:2-36-02 - PCSA requirements for determining lead agency for screening and assessments/investigations
  3. § 5101:2-36-03 - PCSA requirements for intra-familial child abuse and/or neglect assessment/investigations
  4. § 5101:2-36-04 - PCSA requirements for conducting a specialized assessment/investigation
  5. § 5101:2-36-05 - PCSA requirements for conducting stranger danger investigations
  6. § 5101:2-36-06 - PCSA requirements for a deserted child/safe haven assessment/investigation
  7. § 5101:2-36-07 - PCSA requirement for conducting an assessment/investigation of the alleged withholding of medically indicated treatment from a disabled infant with life-threatening conditions
  8. § 5101:2-36-08 - PCSA requirements for involving a third party in the assessment/investigation of a child abuse or neglect report
  9. § 5101:2-36-09 - PCSA requirements for dependent child assessments
  10. § 5101:2-36-10 - PCSA requirements for responding to family in need of services reports
  11. § 5101:2-36-11 - Extending time frames or waiving completion of assessment/investigation activities
  12. § 5101:2-36-12 - PCSA requirements for child abuse and/or neglect cross-referrals
  13. § 5101:2-36-13 - [Rescinded] Intrastate and interstate referral procedures for children's protective services
  14. § 5101:2-36-14 - Protective service alert
  15. § 5101:2-36-20 - Public children services agencies assessment requirements for child abuse and neglect reports in alternative response

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.