Chapter 5101:2-5 - Child Services Agency Licensing Rules

  1. § 5101:2-5-02 - Application for an agency to perform specific functions; amended applications
  2. § 5101:2-5-03 - Certification of an agency to perform specific functions
  3. § 5101:2-5-04 - Recertification of an agency to perform specific functions
  4. § 5101:2-5-04.1 - Acceptance of accreditation in lieu of certification requirements
  5. § 5101:2-5-05 - Agency appeal of findings of noncompliance
  6. § 5101:2-5-06 - Corrective action plans
  7. § 5101:2-5-07 - Denial or revocation of an agency's certificate or certification to perform specific functions; temporary certificates
  8. § 5101:2-5-08 - PCPA and PNA governance and administration
  9. § 5101:2-5-09 - Personnel requirements
  10. § 5101:2-5-09.1 - Background checks for college interns, subcontractors, volunteers, employees, board presidents, officers, administrators and foster caregivers
  11. § 5101:2-5-10 - Child records
  12. § 5101:2-5-11 - Complaint handling
  13. § 5101:2-5-13 - Required agency policies, plans and procedures
  14. § 5101:2-5-13.1 - Disaster preparedness plan requirements
  15. § 5101:2-5-14 - Treatment or diagnostic services
  16. § 5101:2-5-15 - Volunteers, interns and subcontractors
  17. § 5101:2-5-16 - Consideration to be given to child's religion, beliefs and practices
  18. § 5101:2-5-17 - Discharge summary
  19. § 5101:2-5-18 - Waivers and variances
  20. § 5101:2-5-19 - [Rescinded] Variances
  21. § 5101:2-5-20 - Initial application and completion of the foster care homestudy
  22. § 5101:2-5-21 - [Rescinded] Agency assessment of an initial application for a foster home certificate
  23. § 5101:2-5-22 - Recommendations for initial foster home certification
  24. § 5101:2-5-23 - [Rescinded] Form and duration of a foster home certificate
  25. § 5101:2-5-24 - Foster home recertifications
  26. § 5101:2-5-25 - Changing the certification of a foster caregiver from one type of foster home to another
  27. § 5101:2-5-26 - Procedures for revocation, denial of initial certification or denial of recertification of a foster home certificate
  28. § 5101:2-5-27 - Agency procedure for the termination of a foster home certificate
  29. § 5101:2-5-28 - Agency cause for denial of initial certification, denial of recertification or revocation of a foster home certificate
  30. § 5101:2-5-29 - Agency requirements for foster home records
  31. § 5101:2-5-30 - Foster care amendments
  32. § 5101:2-5-31 - Sharing or transferring a foster home
  33. § 5101:2-5-32 - Occupancy limitations and accessibility
  34. § 5101:2-5-33 - Foster caregiver preplacement and continuing training
  35. § 5101:2-5-34 - PCPA and PNA case plans and administrative case reviews for direct placements
  36. § 5101:2-5-35 - Foster youth bill of rights
  37. § 5101:2-5-36 - Additional requirements for an agency that acts as a representative of ODJFS in recommending treatment foster homes for certification
  38. § 5101:2-5-37 - Additional requirements for an agency that acts as a representative of ODJFS in recommending medically fragile foster homes for certification
  39. § 5101:2-5-38 - Payment of foster caregiver training stipends; reimbursement of training allowances to recommending agencies
  40. § 5101:2-5-40 - Preplacement and continuing training plans
  41. § 5101:2-5-99 - Child care agencies. [Rescinded]

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.