Or. Admin. R. 635-500-0510 - Coho Salmon

(1) The following operating principles apply to coho salmon in the Tenmile Lakes basin:
(a) The Tenmile Lakes Basin shall be managed for the production of naturally produced coho salmon with an option for a hatchery program consistent with provisions in OAR 635-500-6500 (Oregon Coast Coho Conservation Plan for the State of Oregon);
(b) Coho salmon stock approved for Tenmile Lakes system are Tenmile stock only;
(c) Naturally produced stock shall be incorporated in all hatchery programs in every generation.
(2) In accordance with these operating principles, it is the objective of the Department to:
(a) Recover the naturally produced coho population in the Tenmile Lakes Basin consistent with the six measurable criteria for desired status contained in OAR 635-500-6500 (Oregon Coast Coho Conservation Plan for the State of Oregon);
(b) Recover the Tenmile Lakes Basin naturally produced coho salmon sufficiently to allow an in-basin fishery on naturally produced coho salmon consistent with OAR 635-500-6500 (Oregon Coast Coho Conservation Plan for the State of Oregon).


Or. Admin. R. 635-500-0510
FWC 14-1991, f. 2-28-91, cert. ef. 3-1-91; DFW 22-2007, f. & cert. ef. 4-5-07

Stat. Auth.: ORS 496.138, 496.146 & 506.119

Stats. Implemented: ORS 506.109 & 506.129

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.