Or. Admin. Code § 333-050-0060 - Primary Review of Records
At least annually the administrator will conduct a primary review of each
child's record to determine the appropriate category of each child. This review
shall be completed no later than 35 calendar days prior to the third Wednesday
in February unless otherwise approved in writing first by the local health
department and then by the Public Health Division.
(2) The administrator shall categorize all
children as follows:
(a) "Complete or
(b) "Nonmedical
Exemption": This category applies to any child whose incomplete immunizations
are covered by a nonmedical exemption;
(c) "Permanent Medical Exemption": This
category applies to any child who is susceptible as evidenced by a medical
exemption statement on file as specified by OAR
whose medical exemption statement has been reviewed by the local health
department and has been determined to be based on a contraindication that is
(d) "Temporary Medical
Exemption": This category applies to any child who is susceptible as evidenced
by a medical exemption statement on file as specified by OAR
whose medical exemption statement has not been reviewed by the local health
department, or whose medical exemption is not permanent;
(e) "Incomplete/Insufficient";
(f) "No Record": This category applies to any
child with no record on file at the school or facility. This category also
applies to any child with a nonmedical exemption signed on or after August 1,
2008 with no vaccines selected for nonmedical exemption and with no vaccine
(g) "Children not to be
counted": School age children also attending a facility should be counted by
the school. Children enrolled in a school but physically attending another
school should be counted by the school they physically attend. Children
attending a preschool or Head Start program and another facility should be
counted by the preschool or Head Start program. Children physically attending
more than one child care facility or school should be counted by the facility
or school where they attend the most hours.
(3) Thirty-five calendar days prior to the
third Wednesday in February, unless otherwise approved in writing first by the
local health department and then by the Public Health Division, the
administrator shall provide to the local health department for secondary
(a) Organized alphabetically within
category, copies of records or a computer printout of the records for all
children with incomplete immunizations or insufficient information;
(b) Copies of records of children with a
medical exemption, except those records that have been certified by the local
health department as having a permanent medical exemption or immunity
documentation and are otherwise complete with no further review required.
(c) A completed Primary Review
Summary form that includes an alphabetical list for each category and includes
children with no record. The form must include each child's name, current grade
level, parent names and current mailing address. A computer-generated list from
a system currently approved by the Public Health Division may be submitted in
lieu of the Primary Review Summary form.
(4) The administrator shall review the
completed Primary Review Summary form for mathematical accuracy and correct any
errors before forwarding the completed Primary Review Summary form to the local
health department.
(5) All copies
of records provided to the local health department for secondary review must
contain at least the following: The child's name, date of birth, and evidence
of immunization or exemption. A copy of the records or a computer printout of
the records must be used in place of the original record.
(a) Computer printouts and the results from
computer-generated immunization assessments (computer outputs) must have the
prior approval of the Public Health Division. To receive approval to be used
for the primary review report in January, computer printouts and computer
outputs must be received by the Public Health Division no later than the last
working day of November in the year prior to the year in which the primary
review reports are due.
(b) The
Public Health Division will review computer printouts and computer outputs for
essential data elements, the sequence of data elements, and specific test
results as calculated by the computerized system.
(c) Provisional approval will be given to a
computer tracking system after correct assessment has been confirmed for test
data and essential data elements in required reports. Computer tracking systems
with provisional approval will be reviewed after use during the annual review
and exclusion cycle. Final approval will be given after any programming errors
identified during the cycle have been corrected by the tracking system and
additional reports have been approved by the Public Health Division.
(d) The Public Health Division also reserves
the right to withdraw computer system approval.
(e) When ORS 433.235 through 433.284 or these
rules are amended, computer systems must be updated within 120 calendar days.
The Public Health Division will then allow 60 calendar days for review, needed
changes and final approval. Computer outputs that are not in compliance will
not be authorized for use during the annual review and exclusion cycle.
(6) Additional review
cycles for incomplete or insufficient records with specific time-frames are
allowable if:
(a) Mutually agreed upon by the
affected local health department and school or facility.
(b) Additional exclusion cycles may be
required at the direction of the local health department or the Public Health
Division. Exclusion dates shall be no less than 14 calendar days from the date
that the Exclusion Orders are mailed.
(7) It is the responsibility of the
administrator to see that primary review of immunization records is
accomplished according to these rules. All or part of the actual review may be
delegated by mutual agreement of parties affected to a third party subject to
this requirement.
Stat. Auth.: ORS 433.004 & 433.273
Stats. Implemented: ORS 433.001, 433.004, 433.006 & 433.235 - 433.284
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
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