Or. Admin. Code § 407-005-0110 - Customer Service Complaint Procedure

(1) Customers or clients who are dissatisfied with staff conduct or some aspect of customer services received from Department personnel or Department contractors may file a customer service complaint with the Department. Customers or clients verbally expressing dissatisfaction with customer service will be informed by Department staff of the written customer service complaint process.
(2) A customer service complaint must be filed within 60 calendar days from the date of the event that caused the dissatisfaction. Untimely complaints will not be processed.
(3) Written customer service complaints may be filed by:
(a) Postal mail;
(b) In person at any Department office; or
(c) By contacting the Governor's Advocacy Office for assistance in filing a written customer service complaint.
(4) The Department will assist customers or clients in completing a customer service complaint in writing at the request of a customer or client or when Department staff identifies a need for assistance.
(5) Customer service complaints will be considered filed on the day the written complaint is received and date stamped by the Department.
(6) Within five business days of receipt of a written customer service complaint, filed in a Department office, a copy will be sent to the Governor's Advocacy Office.
(7) Within two business days of receipt of a written customer service complaint filed with the Governor's Advocacy Office, the complaint will be reviewed and sent to the appropriate Department office.
(8) The Department will develop a process for tracking filed written customer service complaints. The tracking process will be utilized to assure compliance with these rules.
(9) The Department shall post the customer service complaint process in an easily identifiable format in each local office of the Department.


Or. Admin. Code § 407-005-0110
DHSD 7-2007, f. 8-31-07, cert. ef. 9-1-07; DHSD 10-2007, f. 11-30-07, cert. ef. 12-1-07

Stat. Auth.: ORS 409.050

Stats. Implemented: ORS 409.010, 411.977

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