Or. Admin. Code § 462-200-0370 - General Operations of Off-Track Facility

(1) The video/audio signal receiving controls, the fax machine and ring-down phone or business system phone with speed dial must all be in an area accessible to the mutuel line supervisor.
(2) The mutuel windows and self service machines at the off-track facilities will be open upon the broadcast of the video display to the off-track facility of the first performance to be carried at the off-track site that day. Once the site is open for wagering on a given day, wagers may be taken on races from performances scheduled to be available at the site later that day.
(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this rule, the track operator managing the off-track site may submit a plan to the Oregon Racing Commission for approval in the event an employee of the track operator will not be physically present at the off-track site. The plan will include provisions for displaying the signal, facility wagering, customer problem resolution and cashing tickets/vouchers.
(3) Signal Priority and Continuity of Program. The advent of off-track wagering was to enhance live racing in Oregon. For that reason, the priority of the signals going to the off-track sites should be set in a way which supports that public policy. The priority of signals shall be as follows:
(a) Any signal of a live race originating from a racetrack in the State of Oregon.
(b) Simulcast signals which the track and the off-track site may agree upon which best meets the desires of the patrons at the site, in priority order, limited by the number of satellite dishes the site may have. All contracts between tracks and off track sites shall contain a provision which states they are subject to the authority of the commission to consider the mix and balance of simulcast signals offered to off-track sites during the review of individual race meet applications.
(4) Track Responsibilities. The Oregon race meet licensee is responsible to the commission for the proper conduct and performance in all aspects of the operation of the off-track sites approved to carry the signal(s) of the race meet license. The race meet operator shall report to the commission's designee all problems encountered at off-track sites in a timely fashion, along with solutions or proposed solutions. At a minimum the race meet licensee shall ensure the following prior to allowing the initial start up and the continued operation of an off-track site:
(a) There are qualified and properly trained mutuel employees of a sufficient number to reasonably be expected to handle the number of patrons at the site;
(b) That data line is in place and operating. That a separate voice phone line and a fax line are in good working order. All lines must be separate from the other lines required by this rule and other lines in the facility and shall not be used by unauthorized persons;
(c) That audio visual signals are secure from receipt by unauthorized sites and are of a quality to allow viewers an exemplary depiction of the racing program;
(d) That the totalizator system is configured in a manner to allow accurate and timely transmission of wagers, wagering information and odds to and from the off track site, as well as reports which provide wagering information of the site individually;
(e) Timely distribution of all program; past performance information; weight changes; over weights; tip sheets where available; and any other information made available to the patrons at the race meet licensee's track, to the off track site(s) so that such information can be made available, in a legible format, to the patrons at the off track site;
(f) Dissemination of surcharge information to the off-track sites;
(g) Provide the necessary management of off-track site mutuel employees.
(5) Site Responsibilities. Off-track site operators shall provide a site which is suitable for the conduct of off-track wagering activity. Off-track sites are an extension of the race track's public area and should be of a standard which enhances the image of racing in the State of Oregon. Off-track sites must provide the following prior to start-up of the site and for the continued operation of the site:
(a) A clean well lighted area for patrons during the wagering performances.
(b) Clean rest room facilities for the public.
(c) An area suitable for the placement of wagering terminals and which provides adequate safety and security for the mutuel employees working at the site.
(d) An area in which the necessary decoders, modems, fax machine, and voice line phone can be securely housed within easy reach of the mutuel employees.
(e) A safe, approved by the racing commission, for safe keeping of the money used for the pari-mutuel wagering activity between the performances.
(f) Posting of the surcharge information in a conspicuous place for inspection by the wagering public.
(g) A written security plan and provisions approved by the racing commission.
(6) Equipment Related. The issue as to who is responsible for providing which pieces of equipment necessary for the conduct of the waging activity can be set forth in the contract between the race meet licensee and the off-track site; however, the commission will hold the race meet licensee responsible for ensuring all of the necessary equipment is available and in good working order. At a minimum the following equipment must be on site:
(a) Enough wagering terminals to adequately serve the number of patrons reasonably expected to be in attendance at the site. In addition, one extra wagering terminal as a backup for those sites over 30 minutes driving time from the race meet licensee track.
(b) The necessary number of satellite dishes and audio/visual monitors. The satellite dishes will be installed in a manner which will withstand the weather conditions normally expected at the off-track site.
(c) A fax machine, a voice telephone for communication with the tote room and mutuel office at the race track. Both the fax machine and the voice phone must be on separate lines and must be immediately available to the mutuel employees at the site. The lines may not be used for other purposes at the site.
(7) The track will ensure its staff at the off-track site are instructed in and be knowledgeable of the operation of the satellite signal receiving and tote equipment in use on site.
(8) When there is a loss of data transmission, the wagering at the facility will be cancelled until the data transmission can be re-established. Tickets purchased prior to the loss of data transmission will be considered valid wagers. Winning tickets will only be cashed after the data transmission to the mutuel machines has been re-established.


Or. Admin. Code § 462-200-0370
RC 3-2000, f. 3-27-00, cert. ef. 5-1-00; RC 2-2009, f. 8-24-09, cert. ef. 10-1-09; RC 2-2011, f. 9-23-11, cert. ef. 10-1-11

Stat. Auth.: ORS 462.700

Stats. Implemented: ORS 462.700

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.