Or. Admin. Code § 574-020-0030 - Confidential Records - Restrictions on Release
(1) Personal records designated as subject to restricted access in accordance with authority granted in ORS 351.065 shall be available only to institutional personnel, who are designated by the president as supervisor and who have a demonstrably legitimate need to review them in order to fulfill their official, professional responsibilities and to the faculty member who is the subject of the records as provided for in OAR 580-042-0746 through 580-042-0765. These records may not be released to any other person or agency without the faculty member's written consent, unless upon receipt of a valid subpoena or other court order or process or as required by state statute, federal law, or valid federal or state rules, regulations, or orders.
(2) Institutional regulations shall provide for designation of institutional officials to appear in court to test the validity of a subpoena or other court order or process relating to release of faculty records when validity is in question.
Stat. Auth.: ORS 351
Stats. Implemented: ORS 351.065, ORS 351.070 & OAR 580-022
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.