Or. Admin. Code § 603-022-0005 - Definitions

For the purpose of OAR 603-022-0010 to 603-022-0055:

(1) "Container" means any box, case, basket, carton, sack, bag, rack or other receptacle in which eggs are placed.
(2) "Fee" means the sum established by the Department as provided for by ORS 632.715 and prescribed by OAR 603-022-0010 for egg handlers first selling eggs in Oregon.
(3) "Oregon grading" means grading made on a lot of eggs at a plant where the eggs are graded and packed.
(4) "Permit Number" means an identification number issued by the Department or a USDA plant number issued to an egg handler to be placed on the container in which eggs are sold to the consumer.


Or. Admin. Code § 603-022-0005
AD 800(7-65), f. 8-3-65, ef. 1-1-66; AD 1079(3-67), f. & ef. 2-3-76; AD 10-1988, f. 12-19-88, cert. ef. 1-1-89; DOA 24-2004, f. & cert. ef. 10-28-04

Stat. Auth.: ORS 561 & ORS 632

Stats. Implemented: ORS 632.811

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