Or. Admin. Code § 603-028-0005 - Definitions

In addition to the provisions and definitions set forth in ORS Chapters 616 and 619, a meat and meat products establishment is subject to the definitions set forth in OAR 603-025-0010.

(1) "Fat Content" means the amount of fat contained in a meat or meat product as determined by laboratory procedures and methods recommended and accepted by the Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC).
(2) "Ground Beef" or "Chopped Beef" means chopped, fresh or frozen beef with a maximum fat content of 30 percent of the finished product weight.
(3) "Lean Ground Beef" means chopped, fresh or frozen beef with a maximum fat content of 22 percent of the finished product weight.
(4) "Extra Lean Ground Beef" means chopped, fresh or frozen beef with a maximum fat content of 16 percent of the finished product weight.
(5) "Hamburger" means chopped fresh or frozen beef with a maximum fat content of 30 percent of the finished product weight not containing corn syrup solids, corn syrup, or glucose syrup as seasoning, in excess of two percent of the finished product weight and with or without other beef fat.
(6) "Meat (species) Patty" or "Meat (species) Patty Mix" means a ground or chopped meat product, from one or more fresh or frozen meats, with a maximum fat content of 30 percent of the finished product weight, and a maximum added extender content of ten percent (on a dry weight basis) of the finished product weight. It may contain the following as additional optional ingredients:
(a) Water;
(b) Corn syrup solids, corn syrup, or glucose syrup as seasoning, not in excess of two percent of the finished product weight;
(c) Binders;
(d) Extenders (cereals, whey protein, soy protein, textured vegetable protein etc.), but if such is textured vegetable protein, it shall be fortified. Rehydrated extenders shall contain 70 percent or less water.
(7) "Fabricated (species) Steak," or "Formed (species) Steak," "Shaped (species) Steak," or "Molded (species) Steak" means a fabricated, formed, comminuted meat product from fresh or frozen meat of the species identified, with a maximum fat content of 30 percent of the finished product weight, and without the addition of water, extenders or binders. It may contain the following as additional optional ingredients:
(a) Other fat of the same species;
(b) Hydrolyzed plant protein or other flavorings.
(8) "Fresh Pork Sausage" means a coarse or finely comminuted meat product, from fresh or frozen pork meat, with a maximum fat content of 50 percent of the finished product weight, and may contain added seasonings (condimental substances), and added water or ice (to facilitate chopping or mixing) not to exceed three percent of the total ingredients used.
(9) "Fresh Beef Sausage" means a coarse or finely comminuted meat product, from fresh or frozen beef meat, with a maximum fat content of 30 percent of the finished product weight, and may contain added seasonings (condimental substances), and added water or ice (to facilitate chopping or mixing) not to exceed three percent of the total ingredients used.
(10) "Breakfast Sausage" means a coarse or finely comminuted meat product from fresh or frozen meat or meat-by-products, with a maximum fat content of 50 percent of the finished product weight, and may contain added seasonings (condimental substances), added water or ice (to facilitate chopping or mixing) not to exceed three percent of the total ingredients used, and extenders (cereals, whey protein, soy protein, textured vegetable protein or plant protein, etc.) not to exceed 3.5 percent of the finished product weight. If textured vegetable protein is used, it shall be fortified.
(11) "Beef Barbecue", "Barbecued Pork", or a similar barbecued product means a meat product cooked by the direct action of dry heat for a sufficient period of time to assume the usual characteristics of a barbecued article, including the formation of a brown crust on the surface and the rendering of surface fat. Such product may be basted or injected with a sauce during the cooking process.
(12) Only the terms "Lean" or "Extra Lean" may be used to describe the products identified in sections (4) and (5) of this rule.
(13) If beef cheek meat (trimmed beef cheeks) is used in the products identified in sections (3), (4), (5) and (6) of this rule, the amount of such shall not exceed 25 percent of the finished product weight, and if in excess of natural proportions, shall be declared on the package label or bulk display placard.
(14) Domesticated elk means North American wapiti (Cervus canadensis), Manitoban elk (Cervus elaphus manitobensis), Rocky Mountain elk (Cervus elaphus nelsoni), Roosevelt elk (Cervus elaphus roosevelti) and Tule elk (Cervus elaphus nannodes) that are born and raised in captivity.


Or. Admin. Code § 603-028-0005
AD 1005(19-73), f. 12-5-73, ef. 12-25-73; AD 21-1990, f. & cert. ef. 11-27-90; DOA 13-2002, f. & cert. ef. 4-11-02; DOA 12-2007, f. & cert. ef. 7-2-07

Stat. Auth.: ORS 561, 616 & 619

Stats. Implemented: ORS 603.085, 619.031 & 619.046

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