Or. Admin. Code § 603-028-0810 - Conditions of Transportation and Slaughter

(1) No carcass shall be transported in a mobile custom slaughter unit unless it is hung free from contact with the unit floor, and tagged as prescribed in OAR 603-028-0700.
(2) No carcass, other than a scalded and dehaired hog carcass, shall be dressed or transported in a mobile custom slaughter unit with the hide on.
(3) Meat by-products shall be transported in a mobile custom slaughter unit in clean and sanitary containers, of material approved by the Department, with secure coverings or lids.
(4) Inedible offal shall be transported in a mobile custom slaughter unit in clean and sanitary containers (barrels, tubs, etc.), of easily cleaned and durable rubber, plastic, or rust resistant metal materials, which shall be situated in a metal lined compartment separated from the area of the unit used for the slaughter operations. In lieu of the preceding, such offal may be transported in a clean, sanitary, covered watertight trailer of a design approved by the Department.
(5) No horse carcass, or parts thereof, shall be transported in a mobile custom slaughter unit.
(6) No slaughter of a meat animal in a mobile custom slaughter unit while other carcasses are hanging therein shall be performed unless the unit doors are closed or the area in which such carcasses are situated is separated from the area used for the slaughter operation.


Or. Admin. Code § 603-028-0810
AD 1004(18-73), f. 12-5-73, ef. 12-25-73

Stat. Auth.: ORS 561.190, ORS 603.085, ORS 619.031 & ORS 619.046

Stats. Implemented: ORS 603.085, ORS 619.031 & ORS 619.046

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

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