Or. Admin. Code § 603-032-0165 - Written Evidence of Exemption
(1) The written evidence required to be a
part of the records of the owner or operator of a grain warehouse facility
pursuant to ORS 586.225, shall include at least
the following:
(a) The amount and kind of
grain subject to such written document;
(b) The time period of grain deliveries to be
subject to such written document, including the initiation date;
(c) The purpose of the grain deliveries (Sale
to warehouseman, processing, cleaning, etc.);
(d) The terms and basis of payment for said
sale, processing, or cleaning.
(2) The written evidence required shall be
executed by the owner, or authorized agent, of the grain, and the owner or
operator of the grain warehouse facility shall acknowledge acceptance
Stat. Auth.: ORS 561.190 & ORS 586.225 - ORS 586.561
Stats. Implemented: ORS 586.225 - ORS 586.561
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