Or. Admin. Code § 603-057-0413 - Description of the Type of Site Where the Pesticide Was Used

Each report of pesticide use shall include a general description of the type of site where the pesticide was used. Site descriptions must be chosen from the list of options developed by the Department. Site descriptions, at a minimum, will identify the major site at which the pesticide was applied. Major categories shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

(1) Agriculture. This shall include the use of pesticides in the production of agricultural crops and livestock (including Christmas tree plantations and commercial nurseries), or on agricultural commodities before movement into channels of commerce, or on agricultural lands, grasslands, or non-crop agricultural lands
(2) Aquatic. This shall include the use of pesticides in treating standing or running water. Examples of sites include irrigation ditch, lake, or river.
(3) Forestry. This shall include the use of pesticides in the production of forest crops, or on forestry lands (not including Christmas tree plantations or commercial nurseries).
(4) Public health and regulatory pest control. This shall include the use of pesticides for the control of any pest that may be deleterious to the public health, including mosquito and other vector and regulatory pest control.
(5) Right-of-Way. This shall include the use of pesticides in right-of-way areas. Examples of sites include irrigation ditch banks, railroads, road shoulders, or utility lines.
(6) Research. This shall include the use of one or more specific pesticides with the intent of gathering data needed to satisfy registration requirements of the United States Environmental Protection Agency. If the research is not conducted by a government agency, the pesticide use shall be under the authority of an "experimental use permit" issued by the United States Environmental Protection Agency or issued by the Department.
(7) Urban, general indoor sites. This shall include the use of pesticides inside dwellings, non-agricultural buildings, establishments, institutions, schools and commercial transportation vehicles. This shall also include the use of pesticides on commodities, including agricultural commodities stored indoors that have entered into channels of commerce, including commercial warehouses and commercial grain elevators.
(8) Urban, general outdoor sites. This shall include the use of pesticides outside dwellings, non-agricultural buildings, establishments, institutions, or schools for ornamental and turf pest control, including parks, rest areas, and golf courses. This shall also include the use of pesticides on commodities, including agricultural commodities stored outdoors that have entered into channels of commerce.


Or. Admin. Code § 603-057-0413
DOA 27-2001, f. & cert. ef. 12-4-01; DOA 11-2006, f. & cert. ef. 4-12-06

Stat. Auth.: ORS 634, 561.190 & Ch. 1059 OL 1999

Stats. Implemented: Ch. 1059 OL 1999

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