Or. Admin. Code § 603-058-0160 - Labeling as to Ingredients

(1) The name of each ingredient or collective term for the grouping of ingredients, when required to be listed, shall be the name as defined in OAR 603-058-0115.
(2) The name of each ingredient must be shown in letters or type of the same size.
(3) No reference to quality or grade of an ingredient shall appear in the ingredient statement of a feed.
(4) The term "dehydrated" may precede the name of any product that has been artificially dried.
(5) A single ingredient product is not required to have an ingredient statement.
(6) Tentative definitions for ingredients shall not be used until adopted as official, unless no official definition exists.
(7) When the word "iodized" is used in connection with a feed ingredient, the feed ingredient shall contain not less than 0.007% iodine, uniformly distributed.


Or. Admin. Code § 603-058-0160
DOA 13-2011, f. & cert. ef. 8-12-11; DOA 11-2024, amend filed 05/29/2024, effective 5/29/2024

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 633.006-089, 633.992, 561.605 & 561.620

Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 663.067

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