Or. Admin. Code § 629-045-0020 - Definitions

(1) The definitions set forth in ORS 477.001, 477.205, 526.005, and 526.305 shall apply to OAR 629, division 045, unless the context requires otherwise.
(2) The following words and phrases, when used in OAR 629, division 045, shall mean the following unless the context requires otherwise:
(a) "Actively managed" means that vegetation management activities are conducted on a continuing, annual basis and periodically through a calendar year, as is necessary to accomplish the landowner's objectives.
(b) "Class 1" means timber class, and includes forestland suitable for the production of timber and may include lands on which structures are present.
(c) "Class 2" means timber and grazing class, and includes forestland suitable for joint use for timber production and the grazing of livestock and may include lands on which structures are present.
(d) "Class 3" means agricultural class, and includes forestland suitable for grazing of livestock or other agricultural use and may include lands on which structures are present.
(e) "Forest Patrol Assessment roll" means the assessment roll process and the direct billing process described in ORS 477.270(1).
(f) "Locale" means the general geographic area which is contiguous to or which surrounds a specific site.
(g) "Periodically" means at least once every five years.
(h) "Potential" means the ability of a site to grow vegetation, notwithstanding current or past uses of the site nor the current or past presence of structures on the site, and regardless of how the site is zoned or taxed.
(i) "Routinely" means at least once each calendar year.
(j) "USDA" means the United States Department of Agriculture.


Or. Admin. Code § 629-045-0020
DOF 1-2010, f. & cert. ef. 5-19-10

Stat. Auth.: ORS 526.041, Sec. 11, Ch. 69 OL 2009

Stats. Implemented: ORS 477.205, 477.230, 526.305 - 526.370

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