Or. Admin. Code § 629-045-0055 - Limitations and Requirements for Forest Protection District Actions
(1) The forester
shall make adjustments to the forest patrol assessment rolls to give effect to
all forestland classification or reclassification decisions made by a
committee, pursuant to OAR 629-045-0030 and 629-045-0035, within six months of
the date the applicable formal written order was filed with a county clerk
pursuant to ORS 526.328(2). Any delay in meeting this six month requirement
shall be promptly reported in writing to the State Forester. The State Forester
may thereafter extend, in writing, the six month limitation.
(2) Forest patrol assessment rolls shall be
continuously maintained to reflect correct information with regard to
ownership, acreage, subdivision of lots, lot line adjustments, combination of
contiguous lots as provided in ORS
477.295, etc., however, neither
the forester nor a county assessor is authorized to change the classification
of forestland applied to a parcel of land, as filed with the county clerk by a
forestland classification committee under ORS 526.328, or by the State Forester
under ORS 526.340, except:
(a) As provided in
section (1) of this rule;
(b) As
necessary to correct obvious or minor administrative errors; or
(c) As necessary to reflect court decisions
arising from an appeal made pursuant to ORS 526.332.
Stat. Auth.: ORS 526.041, Sec. 11, Ch. 69 OL 2009
Stats. Implemented: ORS 477.205, 477.230, 526.305 - 526.370
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