Or. Admin. Code § 629-045-0060 - Limitations and Classification by the State Forester
(1) Pursuant to ORS
526.340, the State Forester may
identify and classify forestland in a county, consistent with ORS
526.324 and
526.328, if:
(a) The governing body of a county has failed
to establish a committee within two years after the State Forester made a
request for such establishment pursuant to ORS
(b) A committee failed to adopt and file a
final classification, pursuant to ORS
526.328, within five years after
the committee was first established; or
(c) A committee failed to act in a manner
consistent with ORS 526.310 to
(2) Prior to identifying and classifying
forestland in a county, pursuant to ORS
the State Forester shall:(a) Allow a committee to work for at least two years
after the committee was first established, before approaching the county
governing body to identify and resolve any issue which might be creating an
unreasonable delay in the committee's progress toward fulfillment of its
responsibilities.(b) Work with the county governing body to identify and
resolve any issue which might be creating an unreasonable delay in the
committee's progress toward fulfillment of its responsibilities.
(3) Prior to identifying and classifying
forestland in a county, pursuant to ORS
the State Forester shall work with the county governing body to identify and
resolve any issue which might be causing the committee to act in a manner
inconsistent with ORS
526.310 to
(4) If the State Forester determines it is
desirable or necessary to remove and replace some or all of a committee's
members in order to properly or timely fulfill a committee's responsibilities,
the State Forester shall request the appropriate appointing authority to remove
and replace such members, pursuant to ORS
Stat. Auth.: ORS 526.041, Sec. 11, Ch. 69 OL 2009
Stats. Implemented: ORS 477.205, 477.230, 526.305 - 526.370
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