Or. Admin. Code § 852-010-0080 - Schedule of Fees

The following fee schedule is established by the Oregon Board of Optometry to set forth in one place all of the fees and specified civil penalties charged by the Board:

(1) Active and telehealth license:
(a) Annual renewal -$450, of which $413 is for the active optometry license, $35 is the Prescription Drug Monitoring Fund fee collected by the licensing body on behalf of the Oregon Health Authority and $2 for the OHA Survey fee.
(b) Additional copy of Portable Multiple Practice Location license -$50 each.
(c) Failure to meet renewal date: Late renewal fee -$100 first failure, $150 second failure, $250 any subsequent failure in a seven-year period.
(d) Lapse in CPR certification during licensing period -$100 first lapse, $150 second lapse, $250 any subsequent lapse in a seven-year period.
(e) Failure to notify the Board of practice locations or address or phone number of record -$100 first failure, $150 second failure, $250 any subsequent failure(s) in a seven-year period. Failure to notify the Board of the commencement or termination of a multiple practice location organization will be assessed a fee of $200 per occurrence.
(f) Failure to notify the Board of patient records transfer or change in business ownership per OAR 852-010-0051(3)- -$100 or the Board may take disciplinary action.
(2) The agency assesses civil penalties for violations of ORS 683.010 to 683.310 and 676.110 to 676.220 and OAR chapter 852, some of which may be settled per the terms of a settlement agreement, consent order or stipulated order. Penalties not listed here will be assessed by the Board on a per case basis.
(a) Failure to respond to a Continuing Education audit within 21 days - $400.
(b) Failure to complete or document meeting Continuing Education requirements by the due date - $650 plus license suspension if overdue 60 days or more.
(3) Inactive License:
(a) Annual renewal -$140 which includes $2 for the OHA Survey fee.
(b) Late renewal fee - $20.
(c) Failure to notify the Board of address or phone number of record -$100 first failure, $150 second failure, $250 subsequent failure(s) in any seven-year period.
(4) Application for Licensure:
(a) Application for Examination and Licensure -$355.
(b) Application for Endorsement Examination and Licensure - $355.
(c) Application for TPA Certification -$150.
(5) Other fees:
(a) Written official license verification -$40.
(b) List of licensees (electronic or printed) -$40 each Active/Inactive.
(c) Reactivation of license -$200 plus the cost of the background check if the license has been inactive for two years or more.
(d) Reinstatement of license - $200 plus the cost of the background check if the license has been lapsed for two years or more.
(e) Decorative Wall Certificate of Registration (optional, personalized and signed by Board) -$40.
(f) Applicant or licensee must pay to the Board the cost of conducting the state and federal background check. The cost is $75 and due with the application fee or when requested by the Board.
(g) Return check fees or other costs associated with a returned payment to the agency will be reimbursed by the licensee, as well as a $25 agency processing fee.
(6) Public Records Fees: The Board will assess Public Records fees per DAS Policy 107-001-030 or any subsequent policy number.
(7) The Board will not refund any fee unless there has been an error by the Board in the charging of the fee. Information not known by the Board because the licensee, applicant, or other person or entity has not supplied the correct information is not considered an error.
(8) Unlicensed volunteer registration fee: $100 for initial registration and $50 annual renewal. Volunteer may also be assessed fees for failing to timely report practice locations or contact information per 852-010-0080(1)(e).
(9) Emergency license application fee: $100 for initial registration Emergency licensee may also be assessed fees for failing to timely report practice locations or contact information per 852-010-0080(1)(e).


Or. Admin. Code § 852-010-0080
OPT 1-2001, f. 6-26-01, cert. ef. 7-1-01; OPT 1-2003, f. 6-12-03, cert. ef. 7-1-03; OPT 3-2005, f. 6-29-05, cert. ef. 7-1-05; OPT 3-2006, f. 3-20-06, cert. ef. 7-1-06; OPT 1-2007, f. 5-21-07, cert. ef. 7-1-07; OPT 2-2009, f. & cert. ef. 12-11-09; OPT 2-2011, f. 6-24-11, cert. ef. 7-1-11; OPT 1-2013, f. & cert. ef. 1-3-13; OPT 1-2014, f. & cert. ef. 1-3-14; OPT 2-2014, f. 11-28-14, cert. ef. 1/1/2015; OPT 3-2014, f. 12-29-14, cert. ef. 1/1/2015; OPT 2-2015, f. & cert. ef. 11/12/2015; OPT 1-2016, f. 2-23-16, cert. ef. 4/1/2016; OPT 2-2016, f. & cert. ef. 4/8/2016; OPT 3-2017, f. & cert. ef. 2/14/2017; OPT 5-2017, f. & cert. ef. 3/14/2017; OPT 7-2017(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 4-26-17 thru 10-22-17; OPT 8-2017, amend filed 09/19/2017, effective 10/02/2017; OPT 2-2018, amend filed 11/19/2018, effective 1/1/2019; OPT 3-2018, amend filed 11/19/2018, effective 1/1/2019; OPT 4-2019, amend filed 05/16/2019, effective 6/1/2019; OPT 5-2019, amend filed 12/12/2019, effective 1/2/2020; OPT 1-2020, amend filed 02/26/2020, effective 3/1/2020; OPT 5-2021, temporary amend filed 07/09/2021, effective 09/01/2021 through 01/31/2022; OPT 6-2021, temporary amend filed 09/08/2021, effective 09/08/2021 through 01/31/2022; OPT 12-2021, amend filed 11/02/2021, effective 2/1/2022; OPT 4-2022, amend filed 05/11/2022, effective 5/11/2022; OPT 5-2022, temporary amend filed 05/26/2022, effective 6/1/2022 through 11/25/2022; OPT 8-2022, amend filed 08/30/2022, effective 9/1/2022; OPT 2-2023, amend filed 01/04/2023, effective 1/13/2023; OPT 3-2023, amend filed 08/08/2023, effective 8/8/2023

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 182, ORS 683 & ORS 431

Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 683.270, ORS 182.466 & ORS 431.972

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