1 Pa. Code § 1.3 - Arrangement of Code
(a) The
Code is divided into titles which are subdivided as follows:
(1) Parts, identified by Roman numerals,
beginning with a title.
Subparts, identified by letters, beginning with a part.
(3) Articles, identified by Roman numerals,
beginning with a subpart.
Divisions, identified by Arabic numerals, beginning with an article.
(5) Subdivisions, identified by letters,
beginning with a division.
Chapters, identified by Arabic numerals, beginning with a title.
(7) Subchapters, identified by letters,
beginning with a chapter.
Sections, identified by Arabic numerals, beginning with a title.
(b) The sections of the
Code are subdivided into the following parts:
(1) Subsections, identified by lower case
(2) Paragraphs, identified
by Arabic numerals.
Subparagraphs, identified by lower case Roman numerals.
(4) Clauses, identified by capital
(5) Subclauses, identified
by capital Roman numerals.
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.