4 Pa. Code § 113.5 - Final application procedure

(a) The final application forms shall be submitted by a volunteer company within 9 months after it receives written notice from the OSFC in accordance with § 113.3(b) (relating to initial application procedure) that it is eligible to submit the final application forms to the OSFC or the application file will be closed by the OSFC. The final forms required include the following:
(1) A notarized financial statement and plan certification, PEMA-VL-5.
(2) A letter of responsibility, PEMA-VL-10.
(b) In addition, the volunteer company shall submit the following, if applicable:
(1) A statement from the vendor, contractor or testing agency as to why the existing facility or apparatus equipment is outmoded or unsafe.
(2) Plans and specifications for the apparatus equipment, facility, or both.
(3) A legal description of real property upon which the facility is being constructed or modernized.
(4) A signed copy of any agreement or contract with a manufacturer or contractor.
(5) A signed copy of a loan agreement with a lending institution when refinancing a debt. The date of the loan agreement shall precede the date of the vehicle or equipment delivery or the completion of the facility project.
(6) A signed copy of bids or estimates for repair or rehabilitation of apparatus equipment.
(7) The names, addresses and home and work telephone numbers of board members or trustees and officers.
(8) Other required documents as determined by the OSFC when borrowing for used apparatus equipment, accessory equipment, communications equipment or protective equipment.
(c) The evaluation of a volunteer company's initial and final application forms shall be performed by the staff of the Volunteer Loan Assistance Program.
(d) After the staff has completed its final evaluation, the State Fire Commissioner or the Administrator of the Volunteer Loan Assistance Program will recommend disposition of the completed loan application to an application review committee within the OSFC which will make the final decision on the loan application. A volunteer company's loan application will not be complete unless the OSFC has received the required application forms and other documentation from the volunteer company at least 7-calendar days prior to a scheduled application review committee meeting.
(e) The application review committee will meet once a month as scheduled by the OSFC and will consist of at least ten members. The committee will be composed of representatives from the OSFC; other State agencies or departments with fire, ambulance or rescue service-related interests; the volunteer fire, ambulance and emergency service community; and other appropriate parties as selected by the OSFC. Members will serve without compensation but will be reimbursed for travel expenses incurred in connection with attendance at committee meetings. Six members shall constitute a quorum. The State Fire Commissioner will coordinate and chair the committee meeting. If the State Fire Commissioner is unable to attend the meeting, the Administrator of the Volunteer Loan Assistance Program will coordinate and chair the meeting. Neither the State Fire Commissioner nor the Loan Administrator will have a vote unless the vote is needed to break a tie vote between the committee members present at the meeting.
(f) The State Fire Commissioner, Loan Administrator and the application review committee will apply the loan priorities and loan eligibility standards in § 113.4 (relating to loan priorities and eligibility standards) to their final decision on the volunteer company's loan application.
(g) A volunteer company aggrieved by a decision of the application review committee has the right to appeal the committee's decision to the OSFC's Commissioner or a designee within 30 days as provided by 1 Pa. Code Part II (relating to the general rules of administrative practice and procedure).


4 Pa. Code § 113.5
The provisions of this § 113.5 adopted December 23, 1982, effective 12/25/1982, 12 Pa.B. 4333; amended December 18, 1992, effective 12/19/1992, 22 Pa.B. 6019.

This section cited in 4 Pa. Code § 113.4 (relating to loan priorities and eligibility standards); and 4 Pa. Code § 113.202 (relating to loan amounts).

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