52 Pa. Code § 37.205 - Additions or modifications to 49 CFR
As stated in § 37.204 (relating to adoption of portions of 49 CFR by reference), this chapter generally incorporates 49 CFR Parts 382 and 390-396. The following modifications, additions and deletions to those parts also apply:
(1) Part 382
(relating to controlled substances and alcohol use and testing).
49 CFR
382.103 (relating to applicability) is
modified to incorporate the following provisions:
49 CFR
382.103(a) is modified to
read: This part applies to motor carriers and persons who operate a motor
vehicle as defined in this section at subparagraph (ii)(C), in transportation
as regulated by the Commission.
49 CFR
382.103(c) is deleted in its
entirety and replaced with the following: the Commission will permit compliance
with this part by persons who have been subject to the testing provisions of
another Department of Transportation agency.
49 CFR
382.107 (relating to definitions) is adopted
in its entirety except for the following revisions:
(A) The term "commerce" is deleted in its
(B) The term "commercial
motor vehicle" is deleted in its entirety.
(C) The term "motor vehicle" means a vehicle,
self propelled or towed, used in transportation regulated by the Commission,
that is one of the following:
(I) The vehicle
has a gross vehicle weight rating or gross combination weight rating of 26,001
or more pounds.
(II) The vehicle is
used to transport more than 16 passengers, including the driver.
(D) The term "employer" is deleted
in its entirety.
(E) The term
"employer" is deleted in its entirety. See the definition in §
37.202 (relating to
49 CFR
382.109 (relating to preemption of State and
local laws) is deleted in its entirety.
49 CFR
382.305 (relating to random testing) is
modified to incorporate the following provisions:
49 CFR
382.305(1) is modified to
add the following provision: For purposes of this section only, FHWA means the
Federal Highway Administration.
49 CFR
382.305(m) is modified to
add the following provision: The Commission will evaluate the FHWA
Administrator's decision to increase or decrease minimum annual percentage rate
for alcohol and controlled substance testing. If the Commission determines to
adopt requirements that are different from the FHWA Administrator's decision,
the minimum annual testing percentage rate will be published in the
Pennsylvania Bulletin.
49 CFR
382.405 (relating to access to facilities and
records) is modified to delete subsection (e).
49 CFR
382.501 (relating to removal from
safety-sensitive function) is modified to delete subsection (c).
(2) Part 390 (relating to
49 CFR
390.1 (relating to purpose) is deleted in its
49 CFR
390.3 (relating to general applicability) is
deleted in its entirety.
49 CFR
390.5 (relating to definitions) is deleted in
its entirety.
49 CFR
390.7 (relating to rules of construction) is
modified to incorporate the following provision:
49 CFR
390.7(a) is modified to
delete the reference to Part 325 of Subchapter A.
49 CFR
390.9 (relating to state and local laws
effect on) is deleted in its entirety.
49 CFR
390.11 (relating to motor carrier to require
observance of driver regulations) is modified to delete the reference to Part
325 of Subchapter A.
49 CFR
390.21 (relating to marking of commercial
motor vehicles) is modified to read: A vehicle shall be marked according to the
requirements contained in §
29.71 and
31.33 (relating to markings of
vehicles; and identification of equipment).
49 CFR
390.27 (relating to locations of regional
motor carrier safety offices) is deleted in its entirety.
49 CFR
390.33 (relating to vehicles used for purpose
other than as defined) is modified to read: When a motor vehicle other than a
bus is used to perform the functions normally performed by a bus, the
regulations pertaining to buses and to the transportation of passengers apply
to that motor vehicle and to its operation as though it were a bus, except with
respect to vehicles operated by a motor carrier to transport its employes to
and from their place of work in the regular course of the business of the
carrier. Likewise, when a motor vehicle of one type is used to perform the
functions normally performed by a motor vehicle of another type, the
requirements of this chapter apply to the motor vehicle and to its operation in
the same manner as though the motor vehicle of the latter type.
49 CFR
390.35 (relating to certificates, reports,
and records: falsification, reproduction, or alteration) is modified to delete
every reference to Part 325 of Subchapter A.
49 CFR
390.37 (relating to violation and penalty) is
deleted in its entirety.
(3) Part 391 (relating to qualifications of
49 CFR
391.2 (relating to general exemptions) is
deleted in its entirety.
49 CFR
391.11(b)(1) (relating to
qualifications of drivers) is modified to read: Is at least 18 years of age,
unless transporting hazardous materials in a vehicle that is required to be
placarded in accordance with 49 CFR 177.823 in which case the
driver shall be the applicable age required under Federal and state
49 CFR
391.15(d)(iv) (relating to
disqualification of drivers) is deleted in its entirety.
49 CFR
391.49 (relating to waiver of certain
physical defects) is modified to incorporate the following provisions:
49 CFR
391.49(a) is modified to
read: A person who is not physically qualified to drive under
49 CFR
391.41(b)(1) or (2)
(relating to physical qualifications for drivers) and who is otherwise
qualified to drive a motor vehicle, may drive a motor vehicle, other than a
motor vehicle which transports passengers or a motor vehicle which transports
hazardous materials, if the Commission has granted an application for waiver
submitted by the motor carrier on behalf of that person.
49 CFR
391.49(b) is modified to
read: An application for a waiver shall be submitted by the motor carrier that
will employ the driver who seeks a waiver of his physical disqualification, if
the application is granted. The application shall be addressed to the Director,
Bureau of Transportation and Safety, Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission,
Post Office Box 3265, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17105-3265.
49 CFR
391.49(d) is modified to add
the following provision: (4) A copy of a waiver of physical disqualification
approved by the appropriate Federal regional director or by a qualified employe
of the Department of Transportation will be accepted by the Commission in lieu
of the required medical documents, unless requested by the
49 CFR
391.67 (relating to drivers of articulated
(combination) farm vehicles) is deleted in its entirety.
49 CFR
391.68 (relating to private motor carrier of
passengers (nonbusiness)) is deleted in its entirety.
49 CFR
391.69 (relating to drivers operating in
Hawaii) is deleted in its entirety.
49 CFR
391.71 (relating to intrastate drivers of
vehicles transporting combustible liquids) is deleted in its
(ix)49 CFR 391.73
(relating to private motor carrier of passengers (business)) is deleted in its
(x)49 CFR 391.81(c)
(relating to purpose and scope) is deleted in its entirety.
(xi)49 CFR 391.83 (relating to applicability)
is modified to incorporate the following provisions:
(A)49 CFR 391.83(a) applies to motor carriers
and persons who operate a motor vehicle, as defined in this subpart, in
transportation regulated by the Commission.
(B)49 CFR 391.83(b) is deleted in its
(C)49 CFR 391.83(c) is
deleted in its entirety.
(xii)49 CFR 391.85 (relating to definitions)
is adopted in its entirety except for the following revisions:
(A) The term "commercial motor vehicle" is
deleted in its entirety.
(B) The
term "motor vehicle" means a vehicle, self propelled or towed, used in the
transportation regulated by the Commission, that is one of the following:
(I) The vehicle has a gross vehicle weight
rating of 26,001 or more pounds.
(II) The vehicle is designed to transport
more than 15 passengers, including the driver.
(C) The term "interstate commerce" is deleted
in its entirety.
(D) The term
"motor carrier" is defined in §
(xiii)49 CFR 391.93 (relating to
implementation schedule) applies.
(xiv)49 CFR 391.125 (relating to termination
schedule of this subpart) applies.
(4) Part 392 (relating to driving of motor
vehicles). 49 CFR
392.2 (relating to applicable operating
rules) is revised to incorporate the following revision: Every motor vehicle
shall be operated in accordance with the laws, ordinances and regulations of
the jurisdiction in which it is being operated. However, in any conflict
between the Federal regulations and the Commission regulations, the Commission
regulations prevail if they represent a higher standard.
(5) Part 393 (relating to parts and
accessories necessary for safe operation).
Lighting devices and
reflectors. 49 CFR
393.11, Table 1, Footnote 11 is modified by
adding the following: Exemption. A vehicle with projecting loads may mark the
extremities of the load with red flags only as provided in
49 CFR
393.87 (relating to flags on projecting
loads) provided the vehicle is operating only during those times of the day
when lighted lamps are not required under 49 CFR 392.30 (relating to lighted
lamps; moving vehicles).
Tires. 49
CFR 393.75 (relating to tires) is modified to
incorporate the following provision: Vehicles permitted to operate with
oversize wheels and tires under
75 Pa.C.S. §
(relating to permit for movement of vehicles with oversize wheels and tires)
are not subject to the requirements of this section.
Bus exhaust system.
49 CFR
393.83 (relating to exhaust system location)
is modified to incorporate the following provisions:
49 CFR
393.83(c) is modified to
read: A bus exhaust system which does not discharge at or within 6 inches of
the rearmost part of the bus shall discharge to an outside edge of the vehicle
49 CFR
393.83(d)(1) is modified to
read: A bus exhaust system which does not discharge at or within 15 inches of
exhaust system which does not discharge at or within 15 inches of the rearmost
part of the bus shall discharge to an outside edge of the vehicle
seat belt assemblies and seat belt assembly anchorages.
49 CFR
393.93(d) (relating to
seats, seat belt assemblies, and seat belt assembly anchorages) is deleted in
its entirety.
(6) Part
395 (relating to hours of service of drivers).
Scope of the rules in this
(A) 49 CFR Part 395.1
(relating to scope of the rules in this part) is modified to include the
following provision: Drivers of lightweight vehicles. The requirements of
49 CFR
395.8 (relating to driver's record of duty
status) do not apply to a driver of a lightweight vehicle as defined in §
37.202. A motor carrier that
employs the driver shall maintain and retain for a period of 6 months accurate
and true time records showing:
(I) The time
the driver reports for duty each day.
(II) The total number of hours the driver is
on duty each day.
(III) The time
the driver is released from duty each day.
(IV) The total time for the preceding 7 days
in accordance with 49 CFR
395.8(j)(2) for drivers used
for the first time or intermittently.
49 CFR
395.1(i) is deleted in its
49 CFR
395.1(j) is deleted in its
Drivers declared out of service.
49 CFR
395.13(a) (relating to
drivers declared out of service) is replaced in its entirety by the following:
(A) Every enforcement officer of the
Commission is authorized to declare a driver out of service and to notify the
motor carrier of that declaration, upon finding at the time and place of
examination that the driver has violated the out-of-service criteria as set
forth in §
37.221 and
37.222 (relating to application;
and out-of-service criteria).
49 CFR
395.13(b)(1) and (2) are
deleted in their entirety. Subsection (b)(3), "Exception," is redesignated as
subsection (b).
49 CFR
395.13(c)(2) is deleted in
its entirety.
(7) Part 396 (relating to inspection of motor
vehicles in operation). 49
CFR 396.9 is deleted in its entirety and
replaced by the following:
Personnel authorized to perform inspections. Every enforcement
officer employed by the Commission is authorized to stop vehicles of motor
carriers in operation for the purpose of performing safety inspections under
sections 307 and 506 of the act (relating to inspectors for enforcement; and
inspection of facilities and records). Commission enforcement officers are
authorized to enter upon the premises of any motor carrier during normal
business hours, upon notice to the carrier, for the purpose of performing
safety inspections upon motor vehicles used in regulated operations.
Prescribed inspection
form. The Commission Vehicle Inspection Report shall be used to record
findings from motor vehicles and drivers selected for inspection.
Motor vehicles declared "out of
Declaration. Out-of-service enforcement officers employed by
the Commission shall declare and mark "out of service" any motor vehicle which
by reason of its mechanical condition or loading would likely cause an accident
or breakdown. The Commission's out of service sticker shall be used to mark
vehicles out of service.
Operation. A motor carrier may not permit or require a person
to operate, nor may a person operate a motor vehicle declared and marked
out-of-service, until the repairs required by the out-of-service notice have
been satisfactorily completed. The term "operate," as used in this section,
includes towing, except that vehicles marked out of service may be towed by
means of a vehicle using a crane or hoist. A vehicle combination consisting of
an emergency towing vehicle and an out of service vehicle may not be operated
unless the combination meets the performance requirements of this chapter,
except for those conditions noted on the Commission Vehicle Inspection
Removal of
sticker. A person may not remove the out-of-service sticker from a
motor vehicle prior to completion of all repairs required by the out of service
notice on the Commission Vehicle Inspection Report.
Retention of inspection
report. Motor carriers shall retain a copy of the Commission's vehicle
inspection report at their principal place of business or where the vehicle is
housed, for 1 year from the date of inspection.
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.