Pa. Code tit. 237, pt. II - Reserved
- Chapter 101 - RESERVED AND RENUMBERED (§ 101.1-101.10)
- Chapter 201 - RESERVED AND RENUMBERED (§ 201.1 and 201.2 to 201.21)
- Chapter 301 - RESERVED AND RENUMBERED (§ 301.1-301.8 to 301.41-301.48)
The Juvenile Court Judges' Commission submitted a statement of policy at 32 Pa.B. 4037 (August 17, 2002) for the purpose of renumbering existing standards. This renumbering is in response to the establishment of the Juvenile Court Procedural Rules Committee by the Supreme Court. The Commission's standards are moved to 37 Pa. Code Chapter 200 and Title 237 is reserved for Juvenile Court Procedural Rules.
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.